Exterro, a software provider for in-house legal and IT teams, recently added new advancements to the Exterro e-discovery software suite.

The latest upgrades drive improved collaboration and international compliance with the following new upgrades:

Request Management capabilities: Designed for organizations with high volumes of e-discovery-related requests from legal to IT, Request Management automates the initiation, tracking, and management of requests to improve communication, reduce mistakes and increase efficiency. This new capability features an intuitive dashboard for tracking the status of requests, a management dashboard for approving requests and a single-entry update feature that, upon project approval, transfers all project information to subsequent phases.

Works Council Compliance Workflow: An extension of Fusion Legal Hold, Exterro’s Works Council Compliance Workflow enables legal teams to simultaneously notify custodians, HR and Works Council representatives of upcoming legal holds, ESI collections and other e-discovery operations. This new capability prevents violations of employee privacy laws overseas and costly enforcement actions from foreign and U.S. regulatory bodies.

Distributed Collections Architecture: New to the Fusion Zeta data management application is the ability to collect and produce data locally from multiple, geographically-dispersed collection centers while enabling legal teams to centrally search, analyze, and review all collected ESI. This capability not only increases data security by limiting ESI movement, but also fully supports global e-discovery requirements for matters subject to privacy laws outside the United States.