All European Commission articles – Page 4

  • Blog

    President Juncker: Toward a more united Europe


    The European Commission this week presented its plans for a stronger, more united Europe.

  • Article

    European Commission hits Scania with €880m cartel fine


    One of Europe’s largest truck manufacturers prepares to fight a massive fine over allegations surrounding a long-running price-fixing cartel.

  • Blog

    Bank of England: Risks posed by Brexit and LIBOR


    In a report published this week, the Bank of England warned that Brexit poses “significant risks” to U.K. financial services companies, while also declaring publicly for the first time that LIBOR poses a financial stability risk.

  • Blog

    European Commission proposes framework for screening of foreign direct investments


    In his annual State of the Union address this month, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker proposed a new EU framework for screening of foreign direct investments.

  • Article

    Is the European Union out to get Google?


    While it might seem as if the European Union has it in for Google, a search of its open cases will reveal that it has its sights set on more than just the search engine firm.

  • Blog

    European Commission fines Google €2.42 billion for antitrust violations


    The European Union’s antitrust watchdog this week fined Google a record €2.42 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules.

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    EC takes action against 7 member states for failing to penalise VW


    Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, the United Kingdom, Greece, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic are all the latest fallout victims from VW’s Dieselgate, writes Neil Hodge.

  • Article

    New SEC rules for securities clearing agencies may benefit EU banks


    The SEC’s new rules for enhanced operational and governance standards for systematically important securities clearing agencies might just save EU banks billions of dollars in capital surcharges. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    European Commission slams Apple with €13 billion tax bill


    The EC has concluded that Ireland gave illegal tax benefits to Apple that were worth up to €13 billion (roughly $14.6 billion U.S.) and wants the money repaid. The decision could have implications for other companies, including Amazon, Google, and McDonald’s, facing scrutiny for what they pay in European taxes. ...

  • Blog

    EU tackles tax abuse in the wake of Panama Papers


    The Panama Papers document leak shed much light on a deep and pervasive effort to evade taxes. Since then, the European Union has passed a number of new rules to improve tax transparency and close tax loopholes. According to CW’s Paul Hodgson, the EU is only just getting started.

  • Article

    Preparing for the new EU cyber-security directive


    The European Parliament has greenlit an EU-wide cyber-security initiative that will impose plenty of new compliance requirements on organizations across the board. But, queries Jaclyn Jaeger, will compliance officers feel these are helping protect their organizations, or just adding another layer of regulatory liability?

  • UnionJackTorn

    More regulatory questions than answers following Brexit vote


    CW reporter Joe Mont explores the aftermath of the Brexit vote (the United Kingdom’s recent decision to depart from the European Union): what do U.S. companies need to know; what questions require a strategic response; and where do we all go from here?

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    EU data protection authorities concerned with EU-U.S. Privacy Shield


    A draft transatlantic data transfer framework approved in February by the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce received a less-than-enthusiastic response from EU data protection authorities in an opinion released today, effectively giving U.S. companies little assurance as to how they can legally transfer personal data from Europe ...

  • Blog

    EU calls for corporate tax transparency


    Image: The European Commission has proposed rules requiring multinational companies currently active in the EU’s single market with a permanent presence in the European Union and with a turnover in excess of EUR 750 million a year to disclose publicly the income tax they pay within the European Union, country ...

  • Blog

    CFTC approves substituted compliance framework with EU


    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has approved a substituted compliance framework for dually-registered central counterparties, located in both the United States and European Union. European CCPs registered with the CFTC can now comply with its rules by meeting corresponding European Market Infrastructure Regulation requirements.

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    EU implements plan to prevent falsified medicines


    The European Medicines Agency and the European Commission have published a plan to prevent falsified medicines from entering the market. The regulation introduces two safety features: a unique identifier and an anti-tampering device to be placed on the packaging of most medicines. “The safety features will help protect European citizens ...

  • Blog

    European Commission concedes one-year MiFID II extension


    The European Commission has proposed a one-year extension to the implementation date of its revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, better known as MiFID II, a comprehensive slate of unified regulations across member states for securities markets and investment firms. The new date will be Jan. 3, 2018. The delay ...

  • Blog

    Public Procurement Simplified Across the EU


    A new system adopted by the European Commission that went into force last week considerably reduces the administrative burden for companies that want to have a fair shake at winning a public contract. According to the European Commission, simplification of the tender procedure is just one of the major elements ...

  • Blog

    Banks May Get More Time to Prepare for Financial Market Regulation


    The EU is considering delaying the release of a comprehensive regulation that will overhaul financial market rules. The delay comes amid mounting concerns that the legislation’s accompanying technologies may not be ready in time for the January 2017 start date. Due to the complexity of the rule, banks and other ...

  • Blog

    With Safe Harbor Squashed, What's Next for European Data Transfers?


    As anticipated, on Tuesday the European Court of Justice ruled the Safe Harbor program for international data transfers between the United States and European Union is invalid. While U.S. officials fret that the ruling will “undercut the ability of other countries, businesses, and citizens to rely upon negotiated arrangements with ...