All Ethics & Culture articles – Page 54

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    e-Book: Conducting Effective Investigations

    2015-08-31T14:15:00Z Provided by

    Corporate investigations are a critical component of a robust compliance program; without the right resources to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, a company can suffer serious financial damages, and its credibility with regulators can also be called into question.To help compliance officers and legal teams navigate those challenges, this e-Book produced ...

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    Don’t Let Bad Culture Short-Circuit Your Training


    A compliance training program is only as effective as the corporate culture it stands upon—which means employee cynicism and fear of retaliation need to be addressed first if you ever hope your training program will matter. Inside we look at how CCOs can combat cynicism, even when it takes a ...

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    University Compliance Programs Taking Shape


    Image: Big compliance changes are afoot in higher education, as more universities hire their first enterprise-wide compliance officer—a trend that took flight in 2013 and keeps on going. “[A]cademic medical centers aside, a central compliance function is a newer concept than in the corporate world,” says Robert Roach, CCO of ...

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    LRN Expands Online Library of E&C Education


    LRN, a provider of ethics and compliance knowledge solutions and advisory services, recently added ten new training courses to its online education library. Details on the new training courses, which feature a variety of topics, lengths and instructional styles, are inside.

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    e-Book: Monitoring Employee Conduct

    2015-07-24T10:45:00Z Provided by

    Employee surveillance is a pressing compliance need. Amid reports of scandals and other misconduct, the demand for smarter, tighter, and advanced surveillance is increasing. This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Schwab Compliance Solutions, offers the latest thinking on what employees, regulators, and compliance practitioners need to know ...

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    e-Book: The Complexities of CCO Liability

    2015-07-22T15:00:00Z Provided by

    Compliance failures can occur at any time, but what happens when the root of the issue lies in the hands of the chief compliance officer (CCO)? Who becomes liable? The company or the CCO? Walking this tightrope can keep many executives and compliance practitioners up at night.Produced by Compliance Week ...

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    e-Book: Corporate Policy Management: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

    2015-07-09T14:45:00Z Provided by

    Policy management is still a maturing business practice and, for many compliance officers, finding the right approach to policy management remains tricky. This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with NAVEX Global, explores the current state of policy management.We begin with “When Policy and Culture Collide,” a look at ...

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    More Disclosures Needed From Public Officials, Says OECD


    Image: The pursuit of good governance is never easy. According to a recent Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development survey, inadequate disclosures, lack of whistleblower protection laws, and  concerns about integrity have caused many citizens of advanced countries to lose trust in national governments. More inside.

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    Confounding Hints on CCO Success


    Image: Everyone knows that independent chief compliance officers make for a better compliance program, right? Um, perhaps we need to think again: New data suggests that companies with compliance reporting into the general counsel tend to be more effective. The lesson may not be one of inherent superiority, says LRN’s ...

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    Report: Attributes of Effective E&C Programs


    Companies with top-performing ethics and compliance programs conduct formal assessments of their programs at least annually compared to their lower-scoring peers. They also are more likely to use metrics—such as audits, employee survey results, Code of Conduct violations, hotline call metrics, and more—in setting business objectives, and they typically have ...

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    More Banks Tying Pay to Corporate Values


    More financial institutions, facing pressure from regulators and investors, are starting to tie compensation practices to ethical behavior and appropriate risk-taking—although progress has been slow. “A consistent leadership culture is necessary in which corporate values, business strategy, and formal incentives support each other,” said Jürgen Fitschen, co-chair of the group ...

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    CCOs Need to Be Schooled on Effective Training


    Compliance and ethics training needs to move beyond the standard training video and PC-based testing. While online tests are an adequate exercise in rote memorization, experts say the future of effective training means understanding the unique psychologies of the workforce and managers, customizing your messages, and shaping training objectives around ...

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    Resolving Compliance and HR Turf Wars


    Image: Compliance and HR have been tussling for years over which function owns company culture, when the truth is both have a crucial role to play. “If HR and compliance could come together and realize and accept that they’re on the same team … it could be a really powerful ...

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    The Next Plateau for CCOs: Becoming Leaders


    Image: More and more evidence suggests compliance officers are now sitting alongside other senior corporate leaders at their organizations—so now they need to exercise that leadership role properly. That was the discussion at Compliance Week 2015, and we have all the insights inside. “More compliance officers are being asked for ...

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    Caldwell: What a Robust Compliance Program Looks Like


    During a keynote speech at the Compliance Week 2015 conference, Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell provided some insight on what a robust compliance function and strong internal investigations look like. “Overall, our message is really a simple one: we really expect that corporations will take compliance risks as seriously as ...

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    Is CSR Part of the Compliance Operation?


    Corporate social responsibility is now big business in Europe. How the compliance function intersects with CSR, however—and what role the compliance officer should play in CSR oversight—is still unclear. In the final part of our series on CSR, we look at how several European companies are trying to embed CSR ...

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    LRN Launches Catalyzing Conversations Toolkits


    LRN, an ethics and compliance advisory services and education firm, today announced the launch of Catalyzing Conversations Toolkits, a turn-key solution designed to help mid-level managers start a dialogue with employees about the organization’s code of conduct and policies, as well as actively engage employees in E&C training. Details inside.

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    The Compliance Officer’s Role in Driving CSR Efforts


    As corporate social responsibility becomes a business norm across Europe, two questions for compliance officers are what role they should play, and how they can leverage a vibrant CSR effort to enhance corporate culture and values. In part two of our look at CSR programs, this week we explore how ...

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    e-Book: The Nuts and Bolts of T&E Policies

    2015-05-07T09:45:00Z Provided by

    The risks lurking within the travel and entertainment account—bribery, accounting fraud, excessive spending, and much more—make proper oversight of T&E an urgent job for compliance and audit executives. Worse, even when you have a strong T&E policy, the ingenuity of employees trying to evade it knows few boundaries. And problems ...

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    EU Companies Face CSR Reporting Mandate in 2016


    Image: This week Compliance Week starts a series on corporate sustainability, asking the most basic question of all: Will sustainability reporting ever be required? Yes, at least in the European Union. Inside we look at the state of CSR in Europe, and what role compliance officers are likely to play. ...