Equivio, a provider of analytical solutions for e-discovery, has launched Themes, a breakthrough content analytics application that identifies themes and thematic relationships across document collections.

Intended for the use of lead litigators, legal strategists and investigators, Themes enables the rapid and intuitive exploration of a case repository. Themes is part of Zoom, Equivio's end-to-end e-discovery platform for predictive coding and analytics.

"For our users, the key value of Themes is its ability to automatically map the underlying network of semantic content across a document collection," said Equivio CEO Amir Milo. "This thematic map completely transforms the task of browsing a document collection.

By imitating natural thought processes, Themes allows users to explore the collection in an intuitive, associative manner."

Equivio developed Themes using a unique combination of newly emergent text analytics technologies and innovative visualization techniques. Imitating how human beings review and think about documents, Themes analyzes the repository to identify and abstract salient themes.

One of the fundamental innovations in Themes is its ability to identify relationships and inter-dependencies between themes. This allows the user to browse associatively across the collection, navigating intuitively from theme to related theme. Thematic analysis technology also yields semantic groupings, group labels and “find similar documents” of a level and quality not possible with previously existent clustering applications.

By generating meaningful labels for each thematic group, Themes provides an immediate snapshot of a document collection. In early case assessment and investigations, this fully-automated capability provides lead litigators and analysts an informed and rapid overview of the data set. As the user digs down to explore document themes of interest, the application suggests related themes and similar documents. This helps users quickly home in on areas of critical interest.