All ENI articles

  • Shell

    Italian court acquits Eni, Shell of corruption charges


    An Italian court acquitted oil companies Royal Dutch Shell and Eni and a group of current and former executives of corruption charges surrounding a widespread bribery scheme to acquire oil exploration rights in Nigeria.

  • ItalyFee

    Eni to pay $24.5M to resolve FCPA charges


    Italian oil company Eni will pay $24.5 million to settle SEC charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with regard to the award of certain contracts to its former subsidiary Saipem in Algeria.

  • Oilfield

    Eni, SEC in ‘advanced discussions’ on corruption probe resolution


    Italian oil company Eni said in a recent regulatory filing it is in “advanced discussions” regarding a resolution to an SEC probe into allegations of corruption for the award of certain contracts in Algeria.

  • Article

    DOJ contests Eni’s statement concerning corruption case


    Calling Eni’s statement “misleading,” the Department of Justice wants to make it clear its corruption inquiry into the Italian oil company was not closed for lack of evidence.

  • Blog

    Shell: Dutch prosecutors to bring criminal charges


    Oil and gas company Royal Dutch Shell announced that Dutch prosecutors are preparing to levy criminal charges against it concerning a long-running corruption scandal in Nigeria.

  • Blog

    Bad days ahead for Shell and ENI?


    The bribery allegations against Shell and Italian energy company ENI makes one wonder: If monies paid to a foreign government itself are now subject to scrutiny, could it open up an entirely different exposure to liability for international organizations?

  • Blog

    Italian judge: Shell and Eni must face trial on corruption charges


    An Italian judge ruled last week that oil companies Royal Dutch Shell and Eni must face trial on corruption charges concerning a widespread bribery scheme to acquire oil exploration rights in Nigeria.

  • Blog

    Shell executives charged in bribery scheme


    The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office has charged several senior Royal Dutch Shell executives in Italy for their role in a widespread bribery scheme to acquire oil exploration rights in Nigeria.

  • Blog

    Eni spills about its growing global bribery probe


    A report filed this month by Italian oil giant Eni shows how corruption allegations against it now include Nigeria, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Algeria, and Congo. The number of enforcement authorities, employees, and subsidiaries involved is also spreading.

  • Blog

    For ENI, business risk, geography, and political risk all come together


    How does a company assess its risks and, more importantly, how does it manage them? That’s the question FCPA blogger Tom Fox hoped to answer recently when he explored the case of Italian energy company ENI’s focus on doing business in Africa—known for being politically risky—which put some investors ill ...