All Engagement Partners articles

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    New PCAOB seeks input on new strategic plan


    A brand new slate of audit regulators is looking for some direction as it takes the helm at the PCAOB and establishes a new strategic plan.

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    Do partners suffer bad inspection results? Not really, study says


    New academic research suggests audit firms may be shielding low-performing partners from client scrutiny by remaining coy about PCAOB inspection results.

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    Database naming engagement partners mushrooms with new filings


    The public database created by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to identify engagement partners overseeing public-company audits is growing, with partners on about 175 engagements now identified. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

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    PCAOB opens portal on identifying key audit participants


    There’s not much to see just yet, but audit regulators have launched a web page that will be the new means for anyone in the capital markets to throw open the curtain and see who’s pulling the levers on individual audit engagements. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

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    PCAOB Adopts Form to Name Engagement Partner, Others in Audit


    Finally achieving the path of least resistance after multiple prior attempts, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has approved a rule requiring audit firms to identify engagement partners and others outside the firm who contribute to public company audits.

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    PCAOB Nears New Rule on Naming Engagement Partners


    Image: PCAOB Chairman James Doty believes the board will be in a position “very soon” to finalize a rule requiring audit firms to submit a new form, Form AP, to the PCAOB naming engagement partners and other accounting firms that contribute to the final audit opinion for public companies. Doty ...