All employee surveillance articles

  • Employee monitoring

    The blurred lines of employee monitoring under GDPR


    The French data regulator’s fine against an Amazon warehouse manager for violating employees’ rights to privacy in the workplace once again raises questions about what constitutes an overzealous approach to employee monitoring and why companies fail to recognize the signs.

  • Amazon warehouse

    Examining precedent set by French DPA’s Amazon employee monitoring fine


    The decision by France’s data regulator to fine an Amazon warehouse manager for breaches of the General Data Protection Regulation over the way it monitored employee productivity raises questions about the reach data protection authorities have over corporate conduct.

  • Employee monitoring
    News Brief

    CFPB, NLRB to collaborate on monitoring employee surveillance


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and National Labor Relations Board pledged to share information regarding instances of improper employer use of surveillance tools and the sale of employees’ personal information.

  • Employee monitoring

    German laptop retailer fined $12.7M under GDPR for employee surveillance


    A German data regulator fined an online laptop and electronic goods retailer €10.4 million (U.S. $12.7 million) for video-monitoring employees for at least two years without legal basis.

  • H&M

    H&M Germany fined $41.3M in one of largest GDPR penalties


    In one of the largest GDPR fines imposed, a regional data protection authority in Germany fined H&M Germany €35.2 million (U.S. $41.3 million) for excessive monitoring of several hundred employees by one of the retailer’s subsidiaries.

  • Article

    Hurry-Up Offense on Employee Surveillance


    Image: Surveillance of employee activity is nothing new in the financial services sector, but the financial crisis, the LIBOR scandal, and other misconduct are driving new demands for smarter, better surveillance. Inside, we look at some of the IT challenges to extracting better intelligence from your data. The goal is ...