Information infrastructure solutions provider EMC Corporation has announced the launch of EMC SourceOne E-mail Supervisor, which enables customers to cost-effectively monitor inbound and outbound e-mail and instant messages for compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

A complementary product to EMC SourceOne Email Management, SourceOne Email Supervisor can cost-effectively and efficiently monitor and review messages sent or received by any identified user. Its key capabilities include:

Flexibility in defining and customizing business policies to determine which messages will be sampled for review;

Ability for supervisors to create and manage review groups as well as assign reviewers into each group;

Easy navigation to highlighted text in both the message body and attachments to clearly indicate the content and business policy that caused the message to be flagged; and

Provide proof of compliance with comprehensive reports to meet stringent NASD 3010 requirements of keeping auditable records of supervisory reviews.

SourceOne Email Supervisor is the newest addition to EMC SourceOne, a family of modular, integrated products for archiving, compliance, and e-discovery that makes information governance actionable. EMC SourceOne enables policy-based information management so customers can improve operational efficiency, ensure compliance, and mitigate risks. With SourceOne Email Supervisor, customers can sample indexed messages from the archive, present them for supervisory review and save evidence of review actions.