EMC Corporation has announced the availability of five new Security and Risk Management Advisory Services designed to enable organizations to build new levels of trust and control for next-generation IT infrastructures. Developed by EMC Consulting, the new set of comprehensive offerings help ensure customers' confidence that their information is secure, compliant with regulations and meets their unique business requirements.

Virtualization, cloud computing, mobile technologies, and the emergence of a new class of Big Data applications have dramatically altered how organizations create, deliver, and manage information. The sudden openness of information within rapidly expanding IT infrastructures, application portfolios and cloud environments could expose organizations to new forms of risk. IT and security teams are hindered from maintaining direct control over IT resources—at a time when organizations have near-total reliance on digital assets, and operate within an increasingly complex landscape of compliance requirements and security threats.

To help organizations re-establish deeper visibility into, and tighter control over, their digital assets, EMC is announcing five new Security and Risk Management Advisory Services:

Trusted Cloud Advisory Services are designed to build trust in an organization's next-generation IT architecture. These services leverage EMC's deep experience in identity, information, and infrastructure security, providing visibility into, and control of, an organization's private and public cloud environments.

Information Governance Advisory Services were created to enable the development of a cohesive approach to information governance. Organizations better understand where information lives, how it's delivered and accessed, and how it's used and governed in order to facilitate safe, efficient stewardship of high-value information.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance Advisory Services are designed to identify, analyze, manage, and mitigate risks. These services bring governance and visibility to risk management, providing confidence that information is secure, compliant with regulations, and meets specific business requirements.

Fraud and Identity Management Advisory Services help organizations cope with the complex, evolving threat landscape. Clients can protect sensitive information, while allowing trusted identities to freely and securely interact with online systems in ways that increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and control costs. Business agility is balanced with the appropriate levels of security and authentication.

Mobile Device Security Advisory Services were developed to allow organizations to extend their current enterprise security policies and controls to help mitigate the rapidly escalating risks associated with providing mobile devices access to sensitive data and resources.

The new EMC Security and Risk Management services portfolio extends the security offerings of EMC Consulting and RSA, which are backed by hundreds of certified security professionals with extensive governance, risk, compliance, and security management experience. The proven security track record of EMC and RSA help enterprises transition from reactive security methods to a proactive security approach.