All EDGAR articles

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    SEC wants to curb sensitive data contained in CAT submissions, EDGAR filings


    Rule changes proposed by the SEC seek to limit the amount of personally identifiable information required in data submitted to the Consolidated Audit Trail and for public company filings.

  • Blog

    SEC’s Clayton provides update on EDGAR breach


    An update issued by the SEC on Oct. 2 outlines projects and initiatives it has launched in the aftermath of a recently announced 2016 breach of the EDGAR filing system.

  • Blog

    SEC’s requirement for hyperlinks in filings now in effect


    As of Sept. 1, rule and form amendments requiring hyperlinks are in effect. The changes were put in place by the SEC to make it easier for investors and other market participants to find and access exhibits in registration statements and periodic reports.

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    SEC renews its offensive against ‘fake news’


    Fake news, in the eyes of the SEC, isn’t just a problem during election year. Over several decades, stock price manipulations have been predicated on rumors and hoaxes.

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    SEC Offers a Trial Run of Crowdfunding Filings


    Under new SEC rules that take effect on May 16, companies will be permitted to offer and sell securities through crowdfunding. To do so, they must file the required disclosures about the offering on a new Form C. Future filers are now able to submit test filings on the new ...

  • Article

    How Do You Solve a Problem Like EDGAR?


    Image: In a way, the person who submitted false filings to the SEC last month proposing a fictional takeover of Avon Products did the corporate filing community a favor: He reminded everyone how bad the SEC’s EDGAR filing database can be. Ideas to modernize EDGAR are many; ability to achieve ...

  • Blog

    SEC Sues Bulgarian Trader for EDGAR-Assisted Avon Stock Scheme


    The SEC says it knows who was behind fake tender offers posted to its EDGAR database and is suing the Bulgarian man it claims is responsible. On June 4, the Commission filed a complaint in U.S. District Court against Nedko Nedev and firms he was associated with. He allegedly masterminded ...

  • Blog

    Tips on Building a Better, User-Friendly EDGAR


    A slew of business groups, from the Center for Audit Quality to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others, have voiced their collective opinion on how the SEC can improve the EDGAR filing process. Their top recommendations were search improvements and the ability to download data in multiple formats. See ...

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    Senator Presses SEC on Fake EDGAR Filings


    Image: In a letter to SEC Chair Mary Jo White, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) demanded more information about fake filings, including a fictitious Avon takeover bid, that somehow make their way onto the agency’s EDGAR system. “This pattern of fraudulent conduct is troubling, especially in light of the relative ease ...

  • Blog

    SEC's EDGAR Filings Go on Christmas Hiatus


    The day after Christmas has been declared a non-working day for the federal government and the SEC’s electronic filing system, EDGAR, will not be operational on that day. The system resumes operations on Monday, Dec. 29 and filings due oth the 26th  can be delayed until that time.

  • Blog

    Study: Paying Firms Get First Look at SEC’s EDGAR Filings


    Oct. 29—A new study finds that a select group of professional investors gets an advance look at soon-to-be-public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Researchers found that a small group of subscribers who pay SEC-selected vendors for data feeds, among them hedge funds and high-frequency traders, receive access ...