EDGAR Online, a global provider of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) software, services and data, announced its Xcelerate XBRL Taxonomy Services for U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The consultancy and advisory solution aims to assist firms in meeting the XBRL filing requirements of the Security and Exchange Commission.

Through Xcelerate Taxonomy Services, EDGAR Online data analysts work with customers to select GAAP-approved base tags and extensions, train key internal personnel on maintenance and filing requirements, and provide continuing support for compliance with regulatory changes and deadlines.

Filers may pick from multiple packages to best fit their needs. Beyond the initial engagement, Xcelerate provides users with an understanding of:

SEC and FASB guidelines for extending the U.S.-GAAP taxonomy;

XBRL technology, structure, requirements and conventions; common industry tag extensions to support consistency standards; and

incorporation of XBRL translation into internal financial reporting processes.

More information about EDGAR Online's Xcelerate XBRL Taxonomy Services for U.S. GAAP can be found here.