easy2comply's has released the latest version of its Business Continuity Management software, providing real-time recovery management features.

Based on BS 25999—a British standard developed to minimize the risks of disruptions which affect the whole organization—key features of the new suite include:   

Sophisticated flowcharts for documentation of business processes, IT Assets and resources;

Customizable resources enabling BCM managers to define any type of resource down to the attribute level;

Interactive and graphical resource mapping to define the relationships between resources and processes;

Scenario-based Gantt charting that automates resource and process requirements definitions based on disaster locations;

Crisis management Gantt charts to guide BCM managers in real-time through pre-defined scenarios; and

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) calculator provides business resumption cost effectiveness projections, detailing business days and critical recovery resources.

More information can be found here: http://www.easy2comply.com/