All DOJ articles – Page 23

  • Blog

    Criminal Division does an about-face on hiring a compliance counsel


    The Department of Justice has scrapped its decision to hire another compliance counsel and instead announced a new, agency-wide approach to compliance oversight.

  • Blog

    Still MIA: 2016 inspection report on KPMG


    Audit regulators remain mum on when, if ever, they will publish a report on their 2016 inspection of Big 4 audit firm KPMG.

  • Blog

    DoJ launches new task force on Market Integrity and Consumer Fraud


    The Justice Department, empowered by an executive order by President Trump, is creating a new, multi-agency task force on Market Integrity and Consumer Fraud. The plan was detailed, on Wednesday, in public remarks by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

  • Blog

    Deloitte settles claims tied to mortgage lender collapse


    Deloitte will pay $149.5 million to settle claims with the Justice Department over its audit work at Taylor, Bean & Whitaker, a mortgage lender that collapsed in 2009.

  • Blog

    Amid fraud, conspiracy charges, should inspection results be restated?


    Former KPMG leaders gamed up to two years of inspection results, federal authorities say, but no one will discuss whether those results can or should be corrected.

  • Blog

    DOJ charges fraud, conspiracy over PCAOB inspection leaks


    The Department of Justice and the SEC are bringing charges including fraud and conspiracy against former KPMG and PCAOB staff over a leak that compromised inspections.

  • Blog

    Halliburton, the FCPA, and effectiveness


    Having a great compliance program means nothing if it exists only on paper. If you want to keep the DoJ and SEC happy, that program must also be demonstrably effective.

  • Blog

    Memo to Telia, Deutsche Bank: Do not negotiate with the DOJ in public


    While Telia Co. and Deutsche Bank are looking to publicly war with the Justice Department over upcoming penalties, they should be learning by Avon Product’s example, says Tom Fox—the firm initially suggested a $12M fine and ended up paying a cool $135M.

  • Blog

    It is good to have friends at the top


    It’s good to know someone at the top—that well-known maxim was demonstrated yet again recently when it was revealed that U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne intervened with the U.S. government during the investigation of money laundering violations by the U.K. bank HSBC. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    DoJ to everybody on FCPA prosecutions: We can make this all go away, you know


    Just how serious is the Justice Dept. about making life easier if you comply fully with its FCPA violation investigations? Johnson Controls Inc. was caught dead to rights on egregious fraud—but, by cooperating with the DoJ, it managed to secure a declination to prosecute. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Compliance front and center


    The SEC and Justice Department have made it clear that it will no longer be adequate for companies merely to have a compliance program in place; it must actually be taken seriously from within and given the power and resources to do its job. Tom Fox explores.

  • Blog

    Want evidence about the FCPA Pilot Program?


    Do you want to see evidence of the effectiveness of the Justice Department FCPA Pilot Program? Read on ...

  • Blog

    Are anti-bribery experts focusing on the wrong numbers?


    To be sure, enforcement data is an important tool for companies to understand their anti-bribery regulatory risks. But relying solely on U.S. enforcement statistics reveals only part of the increasingly complex and multi-layered regulatory landscape that multinationals are facing today. Inside, a look at what can be accomplished when the ...

  • Article

    Internal Investigations Just Got a Lot More Complicated


    Image: Compliance officers should brace themselves after Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates’ speech last week calling for more prosecution of individuals involved in corporate misconduct—the implications for internal investigations are huge. Inside we have the full analysis of how this policy shift, which sharply splits company and executive interests, will ...

  • Article

    FTC Speaks on Antitrust; Leaves Many Confused


    Image: The Federal Trade Commission has finally spoken (for the first time in 100 years) about how it defines the scope of its enforcement authority for anti-competitive business practices. The bad news: Its guidance is short reading and slim on specifics. The lack of detail “may have opened the floodgates ...