All Department of Labor articles – Page 2

  • Blog

    Labor Department sets repeal of ‘persuader rule’ in motion


    The Department of Labor is moving forward with efforts to rescind a rule that would have required disclosure of agreements between employers and labor-management consultants.

  • Blog

    Legislation seeks to outlaw ‘micro-unions’


    The Representation Fairness Restoration Act seeks to prohibit unions from forming individual bargaining units within the same company that include as few as two or three workers.

  • Blog

    Bill seeks to restore OSHA recordkeeping rules


    Democrats in both chambers of Congress have sponsored legislation to reinstate OSHA recordkeeping rules that were nullified by President Trump in April using the Congressional Review Act.

  • Article

    Obama’s ‘fiduciary duty’ rule may be living on borrowed time


    Free-market advocates are gaining traction to overturn the Obama administration’s rule that places additional responsibilities upon financial services representatives.

  • Blog

    Government signals H-1B visa crackdown


    Tech companies that rely on a specialized visa program to fill highly skilled jobs can expect to face more intense scrutiny from government agencies.

  • Blog

    Labor Department extends fiduciary rule applicability date


    To comply with a Presidential Memorandum, the Labor Department has announced a 60-day extension of the applicability dates of its fiduciary rule and related exemptions, including the Best Interest Contract Exemption.

  • Blog

    Labor Dept. seeks to delay fiduciary rule applicability


    Following a presidential order to further review its controversial fiduciary duty rule, the Department of Labor is seeking to delay its effective date, allowing the time needed for additional analysis.

  • Blog

    Trump targets FSOC, reviews ‘fiduciary duty’ rule


    President Donald Trump’s regulatory rollback will include an FSOC review of financial rules and a review of the Labor Department’s “fiduciary duty” rule that could ultimately lead to its demise. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    Labor Department offers FAQ on fiduciary rule


    The Department of Labor has released a second series of “frequently asked questions” on its controversial “fiduciary duty” rule for advisers who are paid to make recommendations about retirement accounts. Joe Mont has more.

  • Article

    Court pumps brakes on Labor Department’s overtime rule


    New federal overtime requirements for white-collar workers are in doubt following a nationwide injunction imposed by a federal judge, writes Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    Federal judge halts Labor Department's 'persuader' rule


    Calling the rule an impermissible intrusion upon attorney-client privilege, a federal judge in Texas has granted a permanent injunction against the Department of Labor's so called “persuader” rule. More from Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    New rule requires sick pay for government contractors


    A new rule issued by the Department of Labor will require federal contractors to provide paid sick leave to employees who work on, or in connection, with government contracts. Joe Mont reports.

  • RainingCash

    Wells Fargo CEO forfeits $41M; DOL launches labor law investigations


    The latest developments in the ongoing Wells Fargo scandal: clawbacks, including a $41M hit for CEO John Stumpf; a Department of Labor investigation; and a new class-action lawsuit. Joe Mont has more.

  • Article

    U.S. government contractors face sweeping new ‘blacklisting’ rules


    Prospective federal contractors will soon have to disclose any labor law, civil rights, or wage violations, making the Labor Dept. a de facto gatekeeper for all contracts, reports Joe Mont.

  • Article

    Overtime pay could unite CCOs with HR, empower attack on regulatory discretion


    New rules issued by the Department of Labor that double the threshold for overtime pay present new corporate dilemmas that may lead CCOs into the domain of Human Resources to defend against lawsuits and reputation risk. Joe Mont explores.

  • GavelOnCash_0

    Lawsuit challenges legality of Labor Dept. fiduciary rule


    A coalition of business groups is suing to strike down the Department of Labor’s recent “fiduciary duty” rule, calling it “over-reaching” with an end result that “will restrict hardworking Americans’ access to retirement advice and planning services.” Joe Mont provides details on the suit being brought by the U.S. Chamber ...

  • Article

    Firms face after-shocks of Labor Department’s fiduciary rule


    The Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule for investment advisors has already stirred a firestorm of controversy, but one way or another, says Joe Mont, the financial advisory world is looking at a transformational change in how it operates by next April, with such high stakes that no one may want ...

  • Article

    Even with concessions, Labor Department’s fiduciary rule is still controversial


    The Department of Labor has finalized a new rule that requires retirement investment advisers to meet a fiduciary standard and eliminate conflicts of interest with their clients. Although several notable concessions worked their way into the final rule, CW’s Joe Mont says to expect continued controversy as advisers struggle with ...

  • Article

    New law adds to forced labor concerns


    In recent weeks, companies have learned—some the hard way—that the government is getting even more serious about human trafficking and forced labor issues. While a new law targets international trade, potentially blocking forbidden products at the U.S. border, an expanding view of joint-employer arrangements is also causing concern for domestic ...

  • Blog

    Congressional report: SEC, DoL at odds on fiduciary duty rule


    Among the most hotly contested rules currently in the regulatory pipeline are efforts to create a fiduciary duty for brokers who offer retirement advice. Rules to do so are currently being crafted by both the Department of Labor and SEC, with the former poised to enact its final rule, the ...