Former SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro has joined consulting firm Promontory Financial Group as a managing director and chairman of the firm's governance and markets practice. Promontory primarily serves banks and financial services companies  on strategy, risk-management, regulatory, and compliance issues. Schapiro was chairman of the SEC from January 2009 to December 2012.

In a press release issued today, Promontory stated that Schapiro will advise clients on corporate governance and risk management issues. She joins several other notable SEC alumni already employed by or affiliated with at Promontory, including:

Arthur Levitt, a member of the Promontory Advisory Board and the longest-serving chairman of the SEC (1993 to 2001);

Laura Unger, Special Adviser at Promontory and former SEC Commissioner and Acting Chairman;

David Thelander, Managing Director at Promontory; former Senior Counsel in the SEC's Division of Enforcement and Attorney Adviser in the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance; and

Kathleen Hamm, Managing Director at Promontory and former Assistant Director in the SEC's Division of Enforcement.