All data articles

  • Data future

    Ask a CCO: What will compliance look like in 5 years?


    We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers to look into their crystal balls, and all of them saw data and advanced technology playing a larger role in the future of the profession.

  • RobotDecisions

    ICO draft guidance helps U.K. firms clarify AI choices


    The U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office has released guidance that lays out four principles—based on the GDPR—companies must consider when applying AI to their systems.

  • Blog

    Senators demand post-breach answers from Google CEO


    U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) have written a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai that demands more information regarding a recently reported breach.

  • Blog

    Omnibus Bill riders target SEC, implements cross-border data seizure law


    When Congress passed  a $1.3 trillion federal spending package, the bill included restrictions on the SEC and made law a controversial plan for confiscating data from servers located abroad.

  • Blog

    CFPB outlines principles for consumer financial data sharing


    The CFPB has outlined new “principles” for financial services firms when they aggregate consumer data and share it with third parties, even if those agreements facilitate services requested by customers.

  • Article

    Choosing a sound path forward for cyber-security


    When it comes to cyber-security risk management, let’s pursue a flexible, principles-based approach—and avoid a road to nowhere paved with layers of compliance requirements.

  • Article

    Getting ready for GDPR


    Steve Durbin, managing director of the Information Security Forum, talks about how GDPR is essentially a new global standard for data management and how complying with it is actually a blessing in disguise.

  • Blog

    GAO warns SEC about data protection practices


    A report by the Government Accountability Office finds that while the SEC has made strides in improving the security of its data and resolving previously identified problems, “weaknesses continue to limit the effectiveness of other security controls.” Joe Mont explores what steps the Commission should take, according to the report.

  • PrivacyShield

    The current state of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield


    The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, a new compliance framework for the transatlantic transferral of personal information, is almost ready. But the strict data privacy compliance obligations it would impose require a close look now to prevent running afoul of tough data standards that become law later.