What’s the problem for GDPR repeat offenders?
By Neil Hodge2024-05-02T14:57:00
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force for nearly six years. Some industries—and some companies—have been more prone to fall foul of the rules than others.
A glimpse at websites like the GDPR Enforcement Tracker show Big Tech firms, which have been subject to numerous complaints and the largest fines, have not yet proven to be the worst serial offenders under the legislation. Meanwhile, telecommunications companies and banks, for example, appear to be routinely penalized for noncompliance.
Some companies have had multiple, sometimes dozens, penalties levied against them for what appear to be the same infractions over several years—often by the same data protection authority (DPA).
Why has GDPR compliance proven to be difficult for these repeat offenders?