All Data Breach articles – Page 6

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    Morrisons data breach creates additional cyber-liability


    A recent court case sets the precedent that even if you have been hit with a malicious data breach, you may still face vicarious liability for it.

  • bestof-2017

    Year in review: 2017


    Compliance Week looks back at the last 12 months and offers a glimpse at some of the biggest news stories in compliance, governance, risk, and ethics.

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    Cyber-threats require rapid escalation from operations to executives


    Everybody suffers a data breach, eventually. Here are some helpful tips to prepare an emergency response plan in advance.

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    Regulators skeptical of Uber’s work to fix breach processes


    A look at the trials and tribulations of taxi-app company Uber: data breaches it tried to keep hidden, how they were exposed, what Uber is doing to fix operations.

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    Exasperated Clayton briefs Senators on SEC breach


    SEC Chairman Jay Clayton provided fresh insight into the Commission's recently annunced 2016 data breach during scheduled testimony before the Senate Banking Committee.

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    Senators want Equifax answers on clawbacks, disclosures


    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and fellow senators have expanded their investigation into the recent Equifax breach, the company's response, and the possibility of executive pay clawbacks.

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    Hearings, investigations lie ahead for post-breach Equifax


    The massive data breach that hit consumer credit rating firm Equifax is the catalyst for a run of Congressional hearings, new data protection legislation, and investigations by the Department of Justice and FTC.

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    New York AG launches formal investigation into Equifax breach


    As part of a formal investigation into the massive breach involving credit-reporting agency Equifax, which has effected about 143 million U.S. consumers, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent a letter to Equifax seeking additional information about the breach.

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    Cyber-attack exposes consumer data at Equifax


    The consumer credit reporting agency Equifax has announced a cyber-security incident that may have exposed the data of 143 million U.S. consumers. Credit card numbers for approximately 209,000 U.S. consumers were accessed.

  • databreachtop

    Data breach trends industry-by-industry


    The 2017 Verizon Data Breach report is out, and it has some timely pointers for how healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, and retail organizations can improve their cyber-security.

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    Data privacy and cyber-security considerations in M&A deals


    The increasingly ominous specter of cyber-risk can cast a shadow over any merger or acquisition. But due-diligence practices can lower the risk.

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    More details emerge about Yahoo ‘security incidents’


    Yahoo General Counsel Ronald Bell has resigned; CEO Marissa Mayer will not be paid her annual bonus; and, following several internal failings, the company has started to implement a number of corrective actions following a series of security breaches, in which it is now believed that more than one billion ...

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    Identifying inside threats to cyber-security


    To better manage and prevent insider-risk exposure, companies still have much to learn both from corporate data breaches of the past and from those that have developed best-in-class insider-threat programs. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

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    Internet of Things ramp-up expands compliance risk considerations


    Companies are lacking at providing security testing for products manufactured with Internet of Things, reports David Bogoslaw.

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    Before M&A, think cyber: what every board needs to know


    Nothing can sideline a merger or acquisition quite so well as dodgy cyber-security compliance. Simone Petrella discusses what every board should know in advance.

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    This is not a game: Scenario planning can help protect your organization’s reputation


    With some 4,000 cyber-attacks occurring every day, compliance officers are looking for any solution to help protect their organization from cyber-risk. A method worth considering is wargaming: a simulation that provides a live example of what a cyber-attack might look like and illustrates what can be to better protect the ...

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    Auditing your data breach incident response plan


    The time to discover when your data breach incident response plan actually works is not in the middle of data breach. Jose Tabuena offers some insights on how to make sure that the incident response plan in place is actually up to the task.

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    SEC Pushes New Limits on Cyber-Security, Securities Fraud


    Another byproduct of life in the cyber-security age: The SEC is redefining insider trading to focus more on improper trading, even if you are a thief mining a company for inside information without actually working there. The misconduct—called, yes, “outsider trading”—seems to be an SEC-enforceable offense so far, and it ...

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    Data Governance 101: Getting Started


    Amassing terabytes of data is easy; for most businesses, managing those valuable—and sometimes very risky—assets is the hard part. A successful data governance initiative, experts say, isn’t a project you can hand off to the IT department or solve with a software purchase. Compliance, audit, and risk executives all need ...

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    Retailers Decry Prospect of Bank-Like Data Security Rules


    The National Retail Federation is asking Congress to reject any legislation that would impose data security rules designed for the banking industry upon non-bank businesses. An overly broad expansion of data security standards similar to Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act guidelines would “be a serious error,” it says.