- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Jaclyn Jaeger2021-02-02T20:47:00
The more we learn about the SolarWinds hack, the more troubled compliance officers should be by the scope and breadth of the risks their companies might have incurred.
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2023-06-14T17:50:00Z By Neil Hodge
A ransomware attack affecting some of the U.K.’s largest corporations has highlighted once again how exposed organizations can be if the levels of cybersecurity used by their third parties are not as strong as expected.
2023-02-15T21:02:00Z By Adrianne Appel
Cyberattacks on software are increasing, and the best chance organizations have of protecting themselves is to know about potential vulnerabilities through a software bill of materials, CISA Strategist Allan Friedman shared at CW’s virtual Cyber Risk & Data Privacy Summit.
2022-11-04T18:43:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
SolarWinds revealed the Securities and Exchange Commission is examining cybersecurity disclosures and public statements the company and its executives made after its massive 2020 data breach caused by hackers backed by the Russian government.
2025-02-10T15:27:00Z By Rezaul Karim, CW guest columnist
The dark web has been depicted as a long-standing hub for crimes, where illegal activities such as drug dealing, financial fraud, weapon sales, murder for hire, stolen credit cards, and ransomware gags are easily accessible to the public.
2024-10-08T14:13:00Z By Jeff Dale
American Water Works Company, which supplies drinking water and wastewater to 14 million customers, disclosed a breach of its computer networks and system due to a cybersecurity incident.
2024-08-01T21:51:00Z By Adrianne Appel
The global average cost of a data breach jumped to an all-time high for the second year in a row, but companies can reel in the ballooning drag on profits by adopting artificial intelligence, according to an IBM report.
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