CSC, a global IT services company, has appointed Chris DePippo as vice president, chief ethics and compliance officer. DePippo will report to the audit committee of the CSC board of directors and to William Deckelman, the company's vice president, general counsel.

In making this appointment, the company has combined the roles of chief ethics and chief compliance officer and has consolidated the functions into one global organization as it renews its corporate commitment to maintain the highest standards of ethics and compliance throughout its global business operations.

In this new role, DePippo will have responsibility for CSC's global ethics and compliance programs and operations, including management of the company's global business conduct policies, employee ethics and compliance training, operation of its ethics hotline, program monitoring, risk assessment and management reporting. DePippo joined CSC in 2008 and has over 15 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies in compliance, enterprise risk, finance and operations positions.