


Get the Countdown Creator Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox!The Madoff Report Countdown Clock has winded down to zero, and the day is here. But as noted by a reader in this comment days ago, we may not learn the contents of the report immediately.

FOX Business confirms in this article that the SEC's Inspector General, H. David Kotz,

plans to send his finished report to the current SEC chairman, Mary Schapiro, on Monday and will leave it to agency officials to decide how and when to release it to the public. But its release is expected sometime this week, after Schapiro and her team review it.

Kotz has promised a "hard-hitting" review detailing "all the examinations and investigations that the SEC conducted of Madoff or Madoff-related entities from 1992 until the present and analyz[ing] the reasons that the SEC did not uncover the Madoff Ponzi scheme notwithstanding these examinations and investigations."