All corruption articles – Page 4

  • Blog

    The chairman’s flight


    The Justice Department has reached a plea agreement with David Sampson, the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who pressured executives of United Airlines to reopen a money-losing route, which flew near Sampson’s weekend home in South Carolina. In the world of the FCPA, ...

  • Blog

    Bribery a plus for small business in South Korea?


    Small businesses in South Korea object to new anti-corruption laws, claiming their implementation will hurt sales of luxury goods for bribes. Tom Fox explores further.

  • Blog

    A second corruption scandal arises in Brazil


    Most of Brazil’s corruption focus over the past couple of years has been around Petrobras and the fallout from Operation Car Wash, but a second corruption scandal (dubbed Operation Zelotes) has arisen in Brazil that could be equally massive—this one relating to tax evasion by not only Brazilian companies, but ...

  • Article

    How not to be sanctioned by the World Bank


    Justice Dept. enforcement actions for anti-corruption law violations often garner the most attention, but multilateral development banks are also major players in the anti-corruption global arena, adding more compliance risk. CW’s Jaclyn Jaeger on how to avoid being sanctioned.

  • Blog

    Unaoil-Can things get any bigger?


    The Justice Department and SEC have their work cut out for them, says FCPA blogger Tom Fox, as the Monaco-based Unaoil scandal—in which the company used commissions to bribe clients—may be the biggest corruption enforcement action yet.

  • Blog

    The other cleat drops in the FIFA corruption probe


    Image: The FIFA corruption probe has shifted to U.S. corporations that did business with FIFA, regional soccer federations, and national soccer organizations, prompting some companies, including Nike, DirectTV, and Standard Chartered, to start their own internal investigations. The message is quite clear for those U.S. companies with affiliations to soccer ...

  • Article

    How the Panama Papers uncovered a global cornucopia of corruption


    Working from one of the most ambitious whistleblower tips of all time, more than 370 journalists in 80 countries embarked on a year-long effort to parse through leaked files from the Panama-headquartered law firm Mossack Fonseca.

  • Blog

    Is Venezuela’s state oil company creating the next Petrobras scandal?


    While Petrobras currently holds the title as the most corrupt national energy company in South America, Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) is a strong contender as well, thanks to ongoing U.S. investigations into possible FCPA violations involving U.S. companies, Swiss banks, and corrupt PDVSA officials.

  • SigningOverContract

    How Qualcomm’s FCPA blunder involved rank incompetency


    Hiring the son or daughter of a government official to secure a lucrative business contract is clearly out of bounds. But hiring somebody who was specifically rejected from an interview process as being unfit for the job in question, a scenario recently played out at Qualcomm and its China-based operations ...

  • Blog

    Petrobras refinery explosion reveals poor compliance of a different kind


    When corruption-plagued Brazilian energy giant Petrobras overpaid for a Houston-area refinery by some $950 million, it raised more than a few eyebrows. And when that refinery suffered a large explosion and fire recently, it showed that failure to practice good safety and failure to practice good business ethics go hand-in-hand.

  • Blog

    Fighting corruption in the light of day


    Image: FIFA isn’t the only major sporting organization with corruption problems. The United States Tennis Association has created a problem for itself by allowing an umpire, who was suspended for corruption, to continue to officiate at the 2015 U.S. Open. Inside, CW’s corruption blogger Tom Fox examines USTA’s reasoning behind ...

  • europemagnified

    Assessing risks country-by-country


    A new Transparency International report examining public sector corruption reveals both good news and bad news: More countries saw their anti-corruption scores improve, rather than decline—but corruption, overall, is still rife globally. Compliance and risk officers can use the benchmark to help reassess where to focus their due diligence and ...

  • Blog

    The Swiss Tackle International Corruption


    Last week the Swiss government announced that it had found improprieties in the conduct of the Malaysian government’s sovereign wealth fund, 1Malyasia Development Berhad. The problem for the government of Malaysia is that the sovereign wealth fund is headed by the country’s Prime Minister, who had over $700 million deposited ...

  • Blog

    U.K. Serious Fraud Office: ‘Why Engage At All?’


    At a recent anti-bribery forum in London, Ben Morgan, joint head of bribery and corruption for the Serious Fraud Office, spoke about companies that have been prosecuted and investigated for bribery and corruption. Morgan pointed out that while no legislation is on the horizon to reward whistleblowers financially, ...

  • Blog

    Chinese Open New Front in Anti-Corruption Investigations


    The Chinese fight against bribery and corruption took an interesting twist earlier this month, when it was announced that the former head of the national oil company, Sinopec, was being investigated for bribery and corruption in the securing of contracts in Angola. If this investigation continues it could open a ...

  • Blog

    The Current State of the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office


    Image: Britain’s Serious Fraud Office appears to be under intense pressure, amid the announcement that another part of the government, led by International Development Secretary Justine Greening, is launching a new specialized anti-corruption unit to investigate cases of international corruption affecting developing countries. While the SFO achieved a significant victory ...

  • Blog

    Podcast: Spain’s New Corporate Compliance Defense


    Image: Spain has been receiving a lot of attention for its corporate compliance defense. Not only did the country adopt new requirements to help root out corruption; it goes further than other nations have gone by mandating specific features that compliance programs must contain to qualify. In this podcast, Aaron ...

  • Blog

    SFO Loses Corruption Trial Against Three


    Three men charged with bribery offenses by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office were acquitted last week, after the jury was unable to reach a verdict on one count against the third defendant and was discharged. The SFO had charged the trio, former employees of Swift Technical Solutions, for paying bribes to ...

  • Article

    Survey: CCOs Lack Confidence in FCPA Financial Controls


    Compliance officers do not have much confidence in their companies’ financial controls to catch books-and-records violations of the FCPA, according to a new report published by Compliance Week and Kroll. The finding was one of many included in the 2015 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Report, looking at all manner of anti-corruption ...

  • Blog

    France Lags Behind in Global Corruption Fight


    France has drawn international attention amid a string of scandals that engulfed some of the country’s largest companies. When compared to the United States, experts believe that French authorities are more lenient on wrongdoing. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development is “seriously concerned” by the country’s “lackluster response” toward ...