All corruption articles – Page 3

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    FCPA protects the safety and health of Americans


    Some continue to believe that bribery and corruption that occurs outside the United States does not concern the United States, its laws, or is even worth the time of U.S. law enforcement agencies. This myopic view belies both the inter-connectedness of the world’s economy and the facts on the ground.

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    Airbus revamping its compliance controls


    Airbus announced this month the establishment of an independent review panel to help improve its compliance controls and culture, as the European aircraft maker faces numerous investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption across several countries.

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    Forget Comey, what about Borbély and Eckert?


    As FIFA quietly gets rid of the bulk of its ethics committee, it would appear that the agency’s internal reform efforts have come to an end in questionable fashion.

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    FIFA fires its own investigators


    When it comes to brassiness, one really cannot do much better than FIFA. After having survived one of the world's greatest scandals, the international governing body of football is replacing the leadership of its ethics committee, in effect dismissing the judge and the prosecutor whose investigations resulted in the suspensions ...

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    A good day for the rule of law in Romania


    Romania sees additional protests, as government tries to sneak more laws into place that would weaken the fight against corruption.

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    Will KPMG pay for Rolls-Royce’s corruption?


    More negative publicity for KPMG, as the Wells Fargo auditor now faces additional scrutiny in light of the Rolls-Royce scandal—will the Big Four firm be made accountable?

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    A bad year for Airbus


    2017 has not been a good year for European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, whose corruption and bribery scandal has instigated anti-corruption policies and government probes in the airline industry.

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    The hard truths of the SQM enforcement action


    The FCPA shows just how far its authority can extend when it comes to companies that blatantly disregard U.S. anti-corruption law.

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    U.K. Post Office faces group litigation order over IT flaw


    How could a computer error result in postal workers going into debt and going to jail for financial shortfalls that never actually occurred? Sub-postmasters are joining a group legal action against the U.K. post office for fraud accusations.

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    Corruption risk is worsening around the world


    Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index points to heightened corruption risk around the world. Jaclyn Jaeger has the results.

  • Blog

    Hosted hunting trips in Sweden and Texas


    Tom Fox explores the ethical implications of hosted hunting trips and specifically the case of Fredrik Lundberg, chairman of Sweden-based Industrivarden, and Anders Borg, the former finance minister of that country, who was given just such a trip by Lundberg.

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    Churchill Mining loses $1.3bn fraud claim against Indonesian government


    Neil Hodge explores the case of London-based Churchill Mining, which lost its compensation claim against the Indonesian government, after alleging its Indonesian business partner had forged documents. An international tribunal ruled against Churchill, citing inadequate due diligence and other unheeded red flags.

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    The FCPA and ‘Islands of Honesty’


    The Man From FCPA Tom Fox explores a recent article that hopes to answer the question: Why are so many governments around the world collapsing amid corruption scandals?”

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    Stopping little lies before they become FCPA violations


    What makes a fraudster? And how can a fraudster’s actions lead to larger complications for your corporation’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act policies? Tom Fox sets out to answer these questions.

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    At PDVSA, the costs of corruption extend to bond swaps


    Tom Fox explores anti-corruption lessons gleaned from Venezuelan national energy company Petróleos de Venezuela’s failed debt swap offer.

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    SFO investigates Airbus for fraud, bribery, and corruption


    Five years after the Bribery Act, the Serious Fraud Office has yet to produce a major conviction. Will Airbus—the latest aerospace company under investigation—be its first big collar? Neil Hodge reports.

  • Blog

    VimpelCom Russia CEO resigns


    Mikhail Slobodin, chief executive officer of VimpelCom Russia, will resign with immediate effect amid a corruption probe. As Jaclyn Jaeger reports, the  Amsterdam-based telecommunications company is no stranger to bribery allegations.

  • Blog

    AML due diligence for non-financial institutions: the next big thing in compliance?


    What does the 1MDB scandal portend for non-financial companies and anti-money laundering compliance? Plenty, especially if they haven't reviewed their AML policies and procedures in the last 12 months. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    SFO charges F.H. Bertling with bribery


    The U.K. Serious Fraud Office SFO announced that it has charged logistics and freight operations company F.H. Bertling, a U.K.-based subsidiary of the German-headquartered Bertling Group, and seven individuals with one count of making corrupt payments, contrary to Section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    SFO conducting criminal probe into Unaoil


    The U.K. Serious Fraud Office confirmed this week that it is conducting a criminal investigation into the activities of Unaoil, its officers, employees and agents in connection with suspected offences of bribery, corruption and money laundering. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.