An an attempt to equalize gender representation on boards of directors, the Norwegian government recently ruled that companies will face legal action if their boards don't consist of at least 40 percent of each sex by mid-2005.


"I would be surprised if businesses don't take care of this themselves," Norway's Minister of Trade and Industry Ansgar Gabrielsen told Reuters, "but if they don't do their job right, they know what will happen."

Though the country is considered progressive when it comes to gender issues—women have served as Norway's prime minister and top police chief—women comprise less than 10 percent of corporate boards, lower than the estimated 12 percent in the U.S.

Some women currently sitting on boards in Norway say they've been overwhelmed with other directorship offers since the measure was publicized.

Neighboring Sweden warned it would impose gender equality quotas last year, and since then female representation has increased from 6 to 11 percent.

Balanced Gender Representation On Company Boards In Norway