CORE Security, a provider of predictive security intelligence solutions, has announced enhancements to its CORE Insight Enterprise that provides IT security professionals and leaders with the ability to identify critical exposures to their infrastructure and, for the first time, link them to the actual risk to the business.

A real-time security intelligence platform, CORE Insight provides unified threat validation and prioritization while feeding key analytics to the security ecosystem. Additionally, CORE Insight enables organizations to improve IT security, optimize budgets, increase efficiency of security operations, and predict threats without disrupting operations.

With version 2.0, CORE Insight now offers a comprehensive set of vulnerability management capabilities – including integrated network and web application vulnerability scanning; attack planning and simulation; threat replication; dashboards and reporting; and vulnerability remediation on a single platform. CORE Insight 2.0 offers customers access to bundled network and web vulnerability scanners, including nCircle and NT OBJECTives, in addition to the ability to import and interact with data from other leading scanning solutions. Users now have the capability to schedule and manage scans directly from within CORE Insight.

Leveraging imported scan data, CORE Insight combines patented artificial intelligence developed by CORE Labs with proactive security assessment capabilities to:

Reveal attack paths that leverage vulnerabilities identified by network and web application scans

Simulate and/or replicate attacks targeting the vulnerabilities across network, web and endpoint vectors

Proactively identify critical threats in need of remediation

Deliver security data in business context, enabling clearer risk understanding and prioritization 

Provide remediation information and track the efficacy of remediation efforts

More information on CORE Insight can be found here.