Convercent, creators of integrated culture and compliance solutions, recently released the latest version of its cloud-based suite, including the industry's first predictive analytics technology to easily understand risk and measure overall compliance health across an organization.

The solution introduces breakthrough tools that allow compliance professionals to deploy targeted educational campaigns incorporating ongoing ethics and policy training to any segment of their organization at any time.

Convercent is built for the modern compliance professional enabling the management and monitoring of corporate integrity through company policies, employee education and case management while aligning employees' behavior to company values.

With the new release (available late summer 2013), compliance professionals will finally have the answer to, “Is there a risk bubbling up at my organization?” and be able to take swift action, all thanks to Convercent's insightful technology and integrated SaaS platform. Compliance professionals simply log in each morning and get multi-dimensional insight into the organization's compliance health right from their dashboard. From there, action is quick and easy, whether it's engaging a department, a location, division or an individual employee around a new federal regulation; more swiftly managing an investigation with the right colleagues; or, creating a meaningful status report for the next executive meeting.

“We see Convercent's role as empowering compliance professionals to keep a pulse on their culture and compliance health each and every day,” said Convercent CEO Patrick Quinlan. “Modern compliance management starts with company values, corporate ethics and industry regulations and ends with a thriving and compliant business. To manage this end to end, we are dedicated to providing an incredibly easy-to-deploy, intuitive solution that can help compliance professionals train employees, pinpoint problems regularly and act on them immediately—ultimately becoming the linchpins of compliance success at their organizations and in their boardrooms.” 

The latest release of Convercent sets up the modern compliance officer for success on three key fronts:

Managing overall compliance health:  By using real-time insight streaming in from all compliance domains, Convercent gives compliance professionals the ability to proactively guide, measure and improve an organization's health to create a true culture of compliance. With Convercent, everything comes together—ethics, policies, training and investigations—and you get a clear view of the integrity of the organization as it related to ethics and compliance health at any given time. Predictive analytics provides early detection before problems arise.

Intelligently administering education and training: With Convercent's Campaign Management, the compliance professional can create educational campaigns and require policy understanding by region, department or down to individual employees. The tool can also alert staff to mandatory trainings then monitor and report on progress by viewing the compliance activities in real time. Convercent Campaign Management is ultimately designed to engage employees to participate actively in the ethical fabric of the organization.

Objectively measuring ethics and compliance: The new Convercent REACH (Real-time Ethics And Compliance Health) Score, objectively measures how a location, department or individual employee stacks up against your defined ethics and policies. Convercent REACH Scores are assigned to each segment of an organization so that you can compare, monitor and pursue participation and engagement. Employees can quickly impact their scores through direct actions, driving up levels of participation and completion.

Available in more than 50 languages and accessible on any mobile device, Convercent is the first integrated, cloud-based culture and compliance software to help companies promote the good and manage the bad. The latest Convercent product features, including dashboards to measure organizational health, Campaign Management and the REACH Score will be available in late summer 2013.

Editor's Note: In-depth coverage of how to cultivate a strong compliance workforce, and how some compliance executives are aligning employee behavior with their companies' values, will be covered in next week's edition of Compliance Week.