Convercent, a provider of integrated culture and compliance solutions, and NYSE Governance Services, Corpedia, a provider of an integrated suite of resources have announced a partnership to jointly meet customer needs in governance, risk and compliance.

Through this partnership, companies can receive policies, content, and compliance services from NYSE Governance Services—the content of record for the New York Stock Exchange—and access fully integrated compliance, policy, education and values software from Convercent.

Available in more than 50 languages and accessible on any mobile device, Convercent is an integrated, cloud-based culture and compliance software to provide multi-dimensional insight into a company's health. 

By using real-time insight streaming in from all compliance domains, Convercent gives compliance professionals the ability to proactively guide, measure and improve an organization's health to create a true culture of compliance. With Convercent, everything comes together—ethics, policies, training and investigations—giving a clear view of the integrity of the organization as it relates to ethics and compliance health at any given time.