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    FTC launches tech competition task force


    Already under fire for data privacy lapses, Facebook, Google, and their fellow tech giants now need to worry about the prospect of retroactive merger reviews. The FTC announced the creation of a task force focused on investigating anticompetitive conduct in the tech sector.

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    Senate Banking Committee seeks feedback on data privacy


    Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) are seeking public feedback on the collection, use, and protection of sensitive personal information by financial regulators and private companies.

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    Rubio introduces new, FTC-focused data privacy legislation


    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is the latest legislator to move forward with a bill to establish a national consumer data privacy law. His proposed American Data Dissemination (ADD) Act, uses the Privacy Act of 1974 as its framework.

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    Los Angeles sues Weather Channel app, IBM over location data


    The City of Los Angeles has filed a lawsuit against the operator of the Weather Channel smartphone app—an IBM subsidiary—for “covertly mining the private data of users and selling the information to third parties.”