All Compliance articles – Page 7

  • Blog

    Shots fired


    In the aftermath of the Orlando massacre comes the all-too-familiar debate about guns and gun control in the United States. In that, a familiar refrain arises: Why bother regulating something when the evil and disturbed clearly will not obey the laws anyway? Why, indeed. The answer that matters most might ...

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    Don’t go it alone: working with other functions


    During a panel discussion at Compliance Week 2016, ethics and compliance officers came together to discuss both the challenges and opportunities associated with working with other functions and how to minimize turf wars and silos while enhancing the compliance program. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    New report: promoting workplace integrity globally


    Ethics and compliance officers seeking more guidance on how to achieve and promote workplace integrity—doing what’s right in a professional context—now have a new, first-of-its-kind benchmark report at their fingertips. Jaclyn Jaeger offers a look at this Ethics & Compliance Initiative study.

  • Blog

    Theranos and compliance


    One of the most compelling business stories over the past 18 months or so has been that of the Theranos, the developer of a perhaps revolutionary blood testing system, which allegedly allow testing of blood with such a small amount a person would only need their finger pricked. No longer ...

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    Beyond complying with the Modern Slavery Act


    Companies troubling over how to report due diligence procedures on eliminating human trafficking under the U.K. Modern Slavery Act have been given some help. A new guide from U.K.-based civil society organizations advises companies on how to embed such procedures into their reports. Although the reports are certainly important, says ...

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    Study: technology key to CCOs keeping a ‘seat at the table’


    The ability of financial institutions’ compliance functions to manage risk is challenged on multiple fronts, including rising expectations that they play a stronger, more strategic role in front-office processes, the increased volume and complexity of regulations, and a lagging data and technology architecture, according to a new study by Accenture. ...

  • Blog

    The cost of integrity


    Image: At the Global Ethics Summit, GE General Counsel and SVP Alex Dimitrief talked about what it means to promote a culture of integrity and the true costs of ethical lapses. When a business goes astray, it’s not a call for added workflows or approvals, he said. It’s a sign ...

  • Blog

    What Does Good Compliance Look Like? Internal Audit Can Help


    Board audit committees and compliance professionals should review new compliance guidance provided in a recent speech by assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell, chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division. Along with the DoJ’s appointment of a “compliance counsel” this guidance presented so-called “metrics” to apply when evaluating programs ...

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    Top Five Ethics and Compliance Failures of 2015


    Same story, different year: pressure from senior leaders, a laissez-faire attitude toward bribery and corruption, and middle managers that neither practice nor value a robust culture of ethics and compliance all resulted in some of the biggest corporate faux pas of 2015. Inside is Compliance Week’s list of the top ...

  • Blog

    Social Media: #Compliance Buzz


    Trending online are the #Compliance and #Corpgov hashtags that compliance officers and governance practitioners around the world often turn to for emerging trends and latest news. Whether it’s sharing ideas about the ever-changing regulatory landscape or covering industry-related events, both hashtags are known to provide real-time information. This ...

  • Blog

    After 12 Years, Moving on From Compliance Week


    Image: Matt Kelly has been in the news business in one form or another since he was 11, so to deliver a strong lead: He is stepping down as editor and publisher of Compliance Week at the end of the year. This week, he shares a few thoughts on the ...

  • Blog

    Thoughts on Bridging the Gap From Compliance to ERM


    Image: Compliance Week held its latest executive roundtable in Florida last week, to talk about moving from compliance programs to broader enterprise risk management. Inside, editor Matt Kelly has a first recap of what was discussed: how much ERM companies already do, how you can overcome some (not all) of ...

  • Blog

    Compliance Line of Sight: Evaluating Your Program’s Structure and Oversight


    The chief compliance officer does not need to manage every compliance risk your company has—but he or she does need to know how every compliance risk is managed. This week, columnist Jose Tabuena explores how “line of sight” should work in a compliance program, and how internal audit can help ...

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    Nordea Bank Tackles AML Compliance Amid Hefty Fine


    Nordea Bank AB, a major financial institution for the Nordic region, is re-establishing its anti-money laundering program to correct flaws in its processes that resulted in the company paying up to $5.9 million in fines. This is not the first time Nordea has been put in the spotlight for poor ...

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    University Compliance Programs Taking Shape


    Image: Big compliance changes are afoot in higher education, as more universities hire their first enterprise-wide compliance officer—a trend that took flight in 2013 and keeps on going. “[A]cademic medical centers aside, a central compliance function is a newer concept than in the corporate world,” says Robert Roach, CCO of ...

  • Blog

    Bankers Need to Clean Up Their Act, Allianz Exec Says


    Image: Elizabeth Corley, global chief of Allianz Global Investors, warns that there can be serious consequences to the economy if bankers continue to engage in reckless misconduct. Corley says rogue bankers often see wrongdoing as a minor rather than a serious offence, which can lead to bigger problems for financial ...

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    Compliance Officers as Strategic Partners


    Lots of people talk about the compliance function as crucial to business strategy today, but gaps remain: According to one PwC survey of chief executives, 78 percent of CEOs say overregulation is the top threat to growing their business; at the same time, only 35 percent of CCOs in PwC’s ...

  • Blog

    Anti-Corruption Groups Challenge the SFO on DPAs


    Image: Title: GreenA number of well-known anti-corruption activists, such as Transparency International and Corruption Watch, are urging David Green, director of Britain’s Serious Fraud Office, to rethink replacing criminal charges with deferred prosecution agreements. The group warns that if DPAs are offered, that will allow banks and other companies to ...

  • Blog

    Uber Decision Underlines Tough Questions Coming on Corporate Culture


    Image: Last week the California Labor Commission ruled that an Uber driver is indeed an employee of Uber, not an independent contractor as Uber had argued. Compliance officers should take note, editor Matt Kelly says, because the case raises questions about the importance of corporate culture and the future of ...

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    More Banks Tying Pay to Corporate Values


    More financial institutions, facing pressure from regulators and investors, are starting to tie compensation practices to ethical behavior and appropriate risk-taking—although progress has been slow. “A consistent leadership culture is necessary in which corporate values, business strategy, and formal incentives support each other,” said Jürgen Fitschen, co-chair of the group ...