Compliance Week is currently conducting two industry-specific surveys—one in financial services, the other in energy—where we need your help! All risk, audit, and compliance professionals in both fields are encouraged to respond. Your answers will be secure and confidential, and the surveys are free of charge.

First, our Compliance Week Energy Industry Survey is soliciting opinions on how oil, gas, and energy businesses structure their compliance and risk management functions, and how you are (or are not) changing your compliance operations in response to looming new rules from the Dodd-Frank Act.

We'll also be hosting a “virtual executive roundtable” at the end of January to discuss the findings with the oil & gas practice at Deloitte Advisory Services. If you would like to be invited to that forum, please email Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly at

Likewise, our Compliance Week Financial Services Survey is asking risk, audit, and compliance professionals in the financial sector how they are trying to implement changes in their firms' IT systems to comply with the Dodd-Frank Act.

Compliance Week will also host an executive forum in New York City on Feb. 2 to present those results and to talk about IT investments to help digest the compliance burdens of Dodd-Frank generally. Sponsored by Wipro, this two-hour forum will include Frederic Mishkin, former board member of the Federal Reserve and now professor at Columbia Business School, as a guest speaker to help lead the discussion. Again, anyone interested in attended should contact Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly at

Thank you for your participation!