Changing behavior is rarely easy or quick. It doesn't happen overnight or because of good intentions, whether it involves an individual dropping those last ten pounds or a company facing sanctions brought on by ethical misconduct. Simply announcing a new policy, issuing a revised Code of Conduct, or adding another training session to an existing program won't work. What drives behavior change is effective communication—and that requires relevance, reinforcement, and responsiveness.

Some of the most relevant topics addressed in Codes we have recently written for clients include: conflicts of Interest from federal and state gift laws, interactions with healthcare professionals (HCPs), enterprise record management, software usage and social media, and conducting business internationally.

Keep Your Code Current

Use Your CEO to Demonstrate Commitment

Incorporate Real-World Scenarios

Provide Practical Guidance

Use Risk Assessment to Delineate Who Gets the Training

Implement an Ongoing, Multi-modal Training Program

Give Middle Managers the Critical Tools

UL EduNeering's solution to address these practices includes our unique Ethics Communications Coach (ECC) and "Tone at the Middle" toolkits designed specifically for Life Science middle managers. Each kit contains an overview of Code-related topics, mini-training on the topic, and a tri-fold brochure for distribution to clients. Written by industry subject matter experts and approved by you for delivery by managers and supervisors to their direct reports, topics are:

False Claims Act

Sunshine Act

Gifts, meals, and entertainment


FCPA and anti-bribery

Continuing medical education

Off-label promotion