Buried deep in a recent study of financial-services compliance was some interesting information about typical barriers that prevent companies from achieving "first-rate" compliance.

Most of the data collected in the study, which was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Economist Intelligence Unit, was focused on financial institutions, and was therefore not entirely relevant to most CW subscribers.

However, a question about obstacles to compliance resonated with several governance officers we spoke with: regulatory complexity and poor corporate integration are the greatest barriers to good compliance.

Dan DiFilippo and Carlo di Florio, Partner and Director (respectively) at PricewaterhouseCoopers' U.S. Governance & Compliance Services group, agreed with that assessment, stating that key barriers for non-financial-services companies include "inadequate compliance culture and mindset, inconsistent standards across the enterprise, poor integration of compliance with other functions, and lack of strategic alignment with core business processes and technology."

The complete study is available, below:

Download "Compliance: A Gap At The Heart Of Risk Management"