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- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Tammy Whitehouse2016-12-13T10:45:00
To respond to pushback on non-GAAP accounting, most companies made changes to how prominently they displayed such figures, according to a recent analysis. Tammy Whitehouse reports.
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2018-07-31T08:45:00Z By Tammy Whitehouse
As trade and tariff wars wage on, companies use non-GAAP accounting to try to explain the resulting currency volatility in reported financial results.
2017-12-04T13:45:00Z By Tammy Whitehouse
The regulatory furor over non-GAAP reporting may be diminishing, but the need for continued corporate vigilance on proper use of non-GAAP measures is not.
2017-02-15T10:45:00Z By Gary Kabureck
Alternative performance measures are valuable when properly used, but should traditional income statements include them? Guest columnist Gary Kabureck discusses.
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