All Codes of Conduct articles

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    EDPB adopts final Codes of Conduct guidelines


    European data protection authorities met on June 4 to discuss guidelines for Codes of Conduct in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation.

  • Blog

    Private companies next up for governance revolution


    Paul Hodgson explores the Institute of Directors reissuance of its governance guidance for private companies, with updated references to the OECD governance principles and the Bribery Act. Oliver Parry, IoD’s Head of Corporate Governance, warns: “You can ignore it, but we are telling most private businesses that they need to ...

  • Article

    Paths to Globalizing Your Code of Conduct


    Image: A thoughtful and well-drafted Code of Conduct is the cornerstone of any strong corporate compliance program. Making that cornerstone strong enough to support a compliance program worldwide, spanning all manner of cultures—that’s the tricky part. “We’re constantly trying to figure out better ways to deliver our message while keeping ...

  • Article

    Seasonal Employees Can Bring Not-So-Merry Risks


    Image: For any company that depends on seasonal workers, don’t overlook the need to give that group compliance training. Even temporary workers need to review the Code of Conduct and have access to the reporting hotline. “There are no exemptions in what constitutes an effective compliance program ... for short-term ...

  • Article

    Making Codes of Conduct More Usable and Engaging


    Image: Title: BanksMany companies are looking to breathe more life into their staid and dusty codes of conduct. They’re cutting out the legal language and paying more attention to design and usability. Some leading companies are putting them online with multi-media aspects, including videos. “You want to present information so ...