Amber Road, a provider of global trade management (GTM) solutions, announced that General Electric will use its Global Trade Management solution to centralize and automate trade functions worldwide across all of its business units. 

With annual revenues of $147 billion, operations in nearly 160 countries, and markets in nearly every country, GE is one of the largest and most global enterprises in the world.  Its diverse range of products, the number of countries sourced from and exported to, as well as its significant international shipping volumes, all make GE's global trade requirements some of the most complex.

For its global shipments, GE personnel perform country-specific trade compliance checks, determine international shipping documents, calculate duties and manage shipments across its extended trading partners.  These global trade tasks are complex, time consuming and if not performed properly can result in shipment delays and increased costs.

GE will use Amber Road's GTM suite to consolidate and automate its trade operations within a new center of excellence program.  This central group will manage trade for all GE business units, leveraging the software and content provided by Amber Road.