Jeffrey H. Knox, former Chief of the Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, departed the DOJ last week to join law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP as a partner in its Washington, D.C. office. As Chief of the Fraud Section, Knox led the DOJ's prosecution of fraud cases including securities fraud, healthcare fraud, financial fraud and defense procurement fraud, as well as all Foreign Corrupt Practices Act criminal investigations and prosecutions in the United States.


Knox joined the Fraud Section in 2010, serving most recently as Chief and before that as the second-ranking official in the Section. In the Fraud Section, Knox supervised more than 100 prosecutors and oversaw the DOJ's successful investigations into the manipulation of Libor interest rates as well as FCPA settlements with companies including Hewlett-Packard Co., Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Inc. and Alcoa Inc.


Leslie R. Caldwell, the head of the DOJ's Criminal Division, stated that Knox "played a leading role in advancing two of the department’s highest priority missions: protecting the national security of the United States and holding executives and institutions accountable for economic crime.”