All CFPB articles – Page 10

  • Blog

    Congress targets extractive payments, CFPB, and government conflicts


    Democrats and Republicans alike are pushing legislation that could greatly affect regulators and regulations. Among the efforts is a Republican-led effort to kill the SEC’s extractive payments rule, writes Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    House Republicans claim CFPB’s auto lending rule is illegal


    As they stockpile ammunition in their efforts to remove CFPB Director Richard Cordray, House Republicans are claiming that recent auto lending rules by the Bureau are illegal. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    CFPB highlights debt collection complaint statistics


    With a slate of rules targeting the industry in the pipeline, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has released a tally of consumer complaints related to debt collection. More from Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    CFPB warns financial companies about sales incentives


    The CFPB is warning the financial world to be leery of sales quotas that can lead to consumer harm and legal violations. Joe Mont has more on a bulletin from the Bureau that addresses best practices for a targeted compliance monitoring program.

  • Article

    What President Trump means for regulation and regulators


    A Trump administration promises to roll back the SEC, the CFPB, Dodd-Frank, and Obamacare. But that is all much easier said than done, reports Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    A gut-punch for the CFPB: Court rules independent director is unconstitutional


    A 2-1 ruling by a judicial panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit says that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as currently composed, is unconstitutional. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    CFPB extends its reach to prepaid products


    Joe Mont looks at new CFPB rules for prepaid financial products—including innovative online and mobile offerings from PayPal, Google, and Apple—that will require enhanced customer protections.

  • Blog

    CFPB updates exam procedures for Military Lending Act


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has announced the procedures its examiners will use when identifying consumer harm and risks related to the Military Lending Act. Joe Mont has more.

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    Wells Fargo CEO faces bipartisan furor


    You know you are having a horrible week when complaints against your company unite Democrats and Republicans, but that’s exactly what Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf faced

  • Article

    Debate over CFPB’s arbitration rule intensifies in comment letters


    The CFPB has received some 13,000 comments in a fierce debate over its proposed rule to limit the use of binding arbitration for resolving disputes associated with financial products. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    CFPB slams Wells Fargo with its largest ever fine


    Is the Wells Fargo Wagon a-comin’ down an ethical street? The banking giant has been hit with the largest fine ever ($185M) by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in addition to terminating 5,300 employees and redoubling efforts to establish an ethical culture. Joe Mont reports.

  • Article

    CFPB winds down summer with flurry of rulemaking


    Perhaps clearing its plate before November’s elections, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has cranked out a variety of rules, proposed rules, and amendments to rules in recent days. Joe Mont looks at what’s next on the agenda.

  • CFPBBanner

    On its fifth anniversary, CFPB is as controversial as ever


    The Consumer Financial Protection Agency may be the most polarizing government agency ever created. It’s also one of the most resilient, given its perseverance in the face of political and legal attacks. Its ultimate fate, despite its successes, may depend on two separate challenges to its constitutionality winding their way ...

  • Blog

    CFPB proposes slate of payday loan rules


    A rule proposed on June 2 by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau includes its toughest attack yet on payday and title loans. Proposed requirements include a “full-payment” test requiring lenders to determine upfront that consumers can afford to repay what they borrow. Joe Mont has more.

  • Article

    Seeking to squash mandatory arbitration, CFPB proposal draws praise and venom


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is moving ahead with a proposed rule that will prohibit mandatory arbitration clauses. While proponents agree with the Bureau’s assertion that class-action lawsuits provide a more effective means for consumers challenging problematic practices, pro-business groups see the rule as a deathblow for financial services arbitration ...

  • Blog

    CFPB Tries to Assuage Fears Over New Mortgage Disclosures


    Image: Mortgage servicers, lenders, and aggregators received welcomed news from CFPB Director Richard Cordray, who wrote in a letter to the Mortgage Bankers Association that technical errors will mean non-compliance with new "Know Before You Owe" mortgage disclosure rules. Because “there inevitably will be inadvertent errors in the early days,” ...

  • Blog

    CFPB Releases Latest Data From Complaint Database


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has concluded its most recent review of complaints filed with the agency. As of Dec. 1, 2015, the CFPB handled 770,100 complaints nationally and the report notes that, in a year-to-year comparison of data from September to November, complaints about prepaid products rose 215 percent. ...

  • Article

    CFPB Critics Focus Fight on Data Collection


    Fights over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are often focused on critics’ perceived lack of accountability and transparency. In recent weeks, those battles have doubled down on concerns about how the agency collects, protects, and uses data on consumers and financial institutions. CFPB foes say it is collecting more information ...

  • Blog

    CFPB Considers Ban on Mandatory Arbitration Clauses


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is moving forward with new rules that would prohibit the mandatory arbitration clauses in contracts that banks, credit card companies, and others rely upon to prevent consumers from pursuing lawsuits. A variety of recommendations, published this week for public comment, are the results of a ...

  • Blog

    Legislation Could Limit CFPB's Purview of Auto Lending


    Before breaking for August recess, the House Financial Services Committee delivered a potential blow to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s oversight of non-bank lenders. The bill, "Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act of 2015," advanced with a bipartisan vote of 47-10, would repeal a CFPB bulletin from 2013 ...