All ceo to worker pay ratio articles

  • Blog

    Did some companies fudge their pay ratio disclosures?


    As the initial batch of disclosures to meet requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s pay ratio rule trickle in, activists are already flagging concerns that companies may be a bit too creative with their calculations.

  • Article

    Early pay ratio filings show a disclosure demand in progress


    As initial pay ratio disclosures hit the books, investors are finding some supplemental disclosures and thinking creatively about where to place the new data.

  • Blog

    Theresa May’s post-Brexit, Euro-style governance reforms


    Out of the post-Brexit chaos, Home Secretary Theresa May is poised to become the new U.K. Prime Minister. She supported Remain, but stands by Brexit, so where will she steer the ship? Her first speech gives some indicators, and Brexiters might not like the sound of them. Paul Hodgson has ...