The staff in the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Corporation Finance has published several updates to its Compliance & Disclosure Interpretations.

The updates published Aug. 11 include eight new interpretations and three revisions to existing interpretations.

Two of the revised interpretations (Revised Question 139.29 and Revised Question 139.30) relate to lock-up agreements.

A number of the interpretations address issues relating to foreign private issuers (see New Question 110.01 and Revised Question 101.01, New Question 101.02, New Question 110.03, and New Question 110.04, which address Section 16 reporting issues.

Other topics addressed include Securities Act Rule 502 General Conditions to be Met (New Question 256.21); Securities Act Form S-3 General Instructions I.B.1 to I.B.6 - Transaction Requirements (New Question 116.22 and New Question 116.23); Exchange Act Form 10-K (New Question 104.17).