Business Software Alliance has launched an upgraded version of its software asset management training course and certification program, SAM Advantage. The upgraded SAM Advantage program—a self-directed, online training course—incorporates feedback from experienced SAM practitioners and features easier navigation, an enhanced user interface, and improved functionality.

SAM Advantage is fully aligned with the global ISO/IEC 19770-1 software asset management standard, providing in-depth training on effective management of IT assets. The product was developed as a collaborative effort between practitioners and created in conjunction with the experience and expertise of software vendors throughout the IT industry. 

Upon successfully completing the course and its associated assessments, students receive a Certification in Standards-based SAM (CSS)—the only certification that recognizes expertise in setting a global, standards-based SAM program and is supported by the business software industry and BSA.

To learn more about SAM Advantage program, please visit: