On January 10, the SEC released its "Select SEC and Market Data" for Fiscal 2010, which ended September 30, 2010. The release includes some interesting information about the work of the Enforcement Division in 2010.

In the document, the SEC offers a list of "Enforcement Milestones" for 2010, including:

Obtained orders in SEC judicial and administrative proceedings requiring securities violators to disgorge illegal profits of approximately $1.82 billion and to pay penalties of approximately $1.03 billion;

Sought orders barring 71 defendants and respondents from serving as officers or directors of public companies;

Sought emergency relief from federal courts in the form of temporary restraining orders to halt ongoing fraudulent conduct in 37 actions, and sought asset freezes in 57 actions; and

Filed 6 actions to enforce investigative subpoenas.

The SEC also breaks down its enforcement actions for 2010, identifying 681 cases brought (252 civil actions and 429 administrative proceedings) against a total of 1,817 defendants and respondents. These include:

126 issuer reporting and disclosure cases against a total of 202 defendants

53 insider trading cases against a total of 138 defendants

34 market manipulation cases against a total of 105 defendants

For a complete list of all 681 actions, check out "Select SEC and Market Data" for Fiscal 2010.