BrandProtect, a provider of social Internet risk detection and threat mitigation solutions, has extended its enterprise-class cyber threat and reputational risk detection and mitigation platform with the addition of advanced mobile app validation and rogue mobile app inspection and analysis.

The BrandProtect cyber threat and reputational risk detection and mitigation platform delivers 24/7 brand and reputational risk monitoring across a comprehensive range of social media, blog, microblog, pasting and other Websites, plus mobile app marketplaces worldwide.

The new Mobile App Validation and Analysis premium service from BrandProtect augments the BrandProtect platform, providing customers with additional intelligence about mobile apps that carry their brands. It delivers two critical new capabilities. First, it offers assurance that the copies of their company’s “official” mobile apps appearing in app stores are authentic, authorized applications from their organizations—that they have not been tampered with or altered. Second, for suspicious apps that carry a company’s brand, it provides reports that summarize specific capabilities and potential threats discovered within each app.

The new Advanced Mobile App Validation and Analysis service from BrandProtect gives security operations teams an additional layer of protection, coupled with a new data stream that includes more contextual information about the specific and potential threats contained in rogue mobile applications.