Brainloop, a provider of solutions for enterprise-wide collaboration on confidential information and documents, has announced the availability of its Secure Connector for Microsoft Outlook. Designed to be tightly integrated with Microsoft Outlook, the Secure Connector ensures the protection of sensitive enterprise documents exchanged over email without impacting the ease of use and functionality of Microsoft Outlook.

“Datarooms are safe but require extra steps and time to be effective. On the other hand, cloud-based file sharing applications are easy to use, but there can be security and up-time issues,” said Brainloop CEO Peter Weger.  “One of the greatest lessons we have learned over the last ten years is that asking users to deviate from their normal workflows encourages them to cut corners, compromising compliance and inviting breaches.”

The Secure Connector for Microsoft Outlook is designed to integrate Brainloop's proven Dynamic Security Platform with existing, proficient tools and established workflows. Because of its seamless integration into Microsoft Outlook, the Secure Connector requires the same traditional attachment process that most users are already familiar with, and upon receipt, the recipient simply clicks on a link to the file which is then delivered via encrypted transmission. 

While designed to be nearly undetectable, the Secure Connector also features options for more sophisticated control over security level, storage location of attachments, recipient groups, approvals and even whether a document is viewable or downloadable. The system also allows users to send encrypted emails that are only visible to sender and recipient, by simply clicking Brainloop's red ball logo within the Outlook interface.

The Brainloop Secure Connector for Microsoft Outlook is a Security as a Service (SaaS) platform requiring no complex installation. The solution can be centrally managed by the IT department without allowing the department itself access to sensitive information. Brainloop is also restricted from accessing any of the information protected by the connector.