Bradford Networks, a network security solution provider for IT environments, unveiled a new version of its Network Sentry solution, designed to help organizations of all sizes secure their networks through multiple deployment options.

Network Sentry automatically identifies and profiles all devices and all users on a network, providing complete visibility and control. Enhancements in the latest release of Network Sentry include:

Support for VMware deployment, giving customers deployment options such as hardware appliance, VMware virtualized software environments, and managed service through Bradford’s extensive channel partner ecosystem;

Out-of-the-box integration with additional complementary, third-party technologies including Sourcefire and ArcSight;

A newly designed user interface that’s not only easier to navigate, but also includes the ability to create custom views for different types of users, and new role-based dashboards; and

Directory-based scanning for endpoint compliance, which eliminates the need to deploy software agents to endpoint devices in cases where agents are not feasible.

In addition, existing features that make Network Sentry well suited for evolving IT environments include its out-of-band architecture that allows Network Sentry Foundation servers—virtualized or appliance-based—to be placed anywhere in the network. A modular platform further enables phased deployment, allowing solutions to be customized to meet specific business challenges today, with the ability to easily add functionality in the future. Lastly, an extensive technology integration enables companies to deploy Network Sentry seamlessly in multi-vendor network environments.