- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Jaclyn Jaeger2020-11-03T16:40:00
As more states enact statutes that directly address diversity in the boardroom, corporate boards that have not already done so would be wise to begin strategizing their diversity efforts now.
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2021-08-10T16:16:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
The SEC approved rule changes proposed by Nasdaq that will put in place a new board diversity mandate and further require companies listed on Nasdaq’s U.S. exchange to make public disclosures regarding the composition of their boards.
2021-03-15T18:44:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A new board diversity report by BoardProspects reveals companies in the Russell 3000 are at a major inflection point regarding racial equality on their boards, but most (60 percent) still have no Black board members.
2020-12-01T18:19:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
Nasdaq has filed a proposal with the Securities and Exchange Commission to adopt new listing rules that would impose board diversity disclosure requirements.
2025-03-27T16:24:00Z By Aly McDevitt
Tesla’s chief executive Elon Musk has admitted he’s leading his businesses “with great difficulty” while serving as President Trump’s senior adviser. The carmaker’s shareholders are openly questioning his bandwidth. Why isn’t Tesla’s board firing him? He’s “doubly untouchable,” a corporate governance expert says.
2025-03-04T16:22:00Z By Aly McDevitt
Tech giant Apple solidified its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at its annual shareholder meeting on Tuesday, with 97 percent of shareholders rejecting an anti-DEI proposal, according to a public filing.
2025-03-04T15:11:00Z By Ian Sherr
When I think of CW, I think about helping you do your job better. Sometimes, that means events where you share and learn from peers. Other times, it means publishing stories or case studies that spotlight truths you need to know, while looking around the bend at what’s next, too.
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