When I think of Compliance Week, I think about helping you do your job better. Sometimes, that means events where you share and learn from peers. Other times, it means publishing stories or case studies that spotlight truths you need to know, while looking around the bend at what’s next, too.
Internally, we think of Compliance Week as a philosophy of embracing the uncertainties and complexities that come with gnarly subjects like corporate ethics, new regulations, and new technologies. We call ourselves the #FinePrintFanClub, and imagine bumper stickers that warn, “Compliance weak? Join Compliance Week!”
For more than two decades, we’ve published stories about some of the most important parts of business, including when they do wrong, why, and how not to repeat their mistakes.
Now, we have a new partner on that path with Verdian Insights, which has purchased Compliance Week from our previous owners, Wilmington plc. Verdian was established in 2021 to acquire and grow impactful governance, risk, and compliance solutions. Its portfolio spans five companies that provide training, certification, and regulatory intelligence solutions.
It is led by James Lindstrom, a longtime Compliance Week reader and attendee at multiple events. His vision for us is to expand CW’s role as an indispensable core of the compliance community, a leading source of news and insights, and a place where anyone can come to learn and improve as they oversee one of the highest-stakes functions in the corporate world today.
Just because our ownership structure is changing, doesn’t mean Compliance Week isn’t still committed to what we do best, including our upcoming events:
Ethics and Compliance Summit, March 19-20 in Boston, MA.
Compliance Week National, April 28-30 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.
Third-Party Risk Management Summit, June 2-4 in Austin, TX.
Women in Compliance Summit, June 4-6 in Austin, TX.
I will continue in my role leading Compliance Week, reporting to Jim. We are currently hiring for an Events Producer, Production Editor, and sales manager.
More than ever, we are grateful to have you as a reader and member of our community. Our inboxes are always open to you.
Thank you for reading.

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