All Boards & Shareholders articles – Page 12
CII petitions exchanges over dual-class shares
The Council of Institutional Investors has filed petitions with the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq asking them to limit listings of companies with dual-class share structures.
Ask Amii mailbag: Where and how to start your culture conversations
In the “Ask Amii” monthly mailbag, executive coach and former Chief Compliance Officer Amii Barnard-Bahn responds to your anonymous questions on building a culture of compliance, motivating underperforming employees, third-party risk management, and more.
BDO survey: Boards strive to keep pace with digital transformation
Digital transformation initiatives are making their way to the top of boardroom agendas, according to findings from a new cyber-governance survey.
Generex appoints chief compliance officer
Title: Generex appoints a CCOGenerex Biotechnology, a biopharmaceutical company, has named Anthony Crisci as general manager, chief compliance officer, and corporate counsel for all of NuGenerex’s distribution efforts.
The ‘Weinstein Clause’: M&A deals in the #MeToo era
A CW analysis identified 15 M&A deals over the past eight months in which firms protected themselves in writing from sexual harassment allegations. Known as the “Weinstein Clause,” these protections still don't address the heart of the matter: corporate culture.
Solutions for fixing proxy process are often radically different
Nearly everyone agrees that the current system of shareholder voting should be improved. How to do that is a contentious debate as an SEC roundtable on the matter draws near.
California first U.S. state to mandate women on boards
Boards of directors for California public companies will now need to ensure that they seat more women at the table.
Three compliance lessons from Elon Musk’s SEC deal
Elon Musk, Tesla, and the SEC have agreed upon a settlement to resolve potential securities fraud perpetrated by an August tweet. Important lessons and reminders for compliance officers rise to the surface of that document.
Withdrawal of past guidance signals a contentious start to SEC’s proxy process review
Critics of proxy advisory firms are cheering the withdrawal of 2004 no-action letters that they say empowered and entrenched the firms.
Podcast: California considers board diversity rules
In this edition of the Compliance Week podcast, we discuss California’s SB-826, a bill mandating that major companies in the state put female directors on their boards. We spoke to Lillian Tsu, a partner at Hogan Lovells and member of the firms Public Company Advisory Practice for her views on ...
Counterpoint: Crowds need to wise up
Public Citizen’s Bartlett Naylor advises careful consideration of current crowdfunding rules before considering a cap raise.
Point: Benefits of crowdfunding
Attorney Douglas Ellenoff discusses why raising the crowdfunding cap boosts the fundraising method’s benefits.
Shareholders seeking $10.6 billion from VW over emissions disclosure
Shareholders seeking damages worth €9.2 billion (U.S. $10.6 billion) have taken German car giant Volkswagen to court in Germany for failing to inform them fully of the financial impact that the emissions cheating scandal would have on the company’s share price.
Pay for outside corporate directors barely increased in 2017
Total pay for outside directors at the nation’s largest corporations increased by a mere 3 percent in 2017, driven by increases in cash and stock compensation, according to a new analysis by Willis Towers Watson.
Hot and getting hotter in Tesla’s kitchen
The real discussion surrounding Tesla and the recent tweet from CEO Elon Musk is a much-needed debate about boards of directors.
Opioid crisis sparks leadership changes at Purdue Pharma
In an attempt to distance itself from the opioid epedemic, Purdue Pharma recently made some leadership changes to its board of directors and executive committee, as it battles hundreds of lawsuits across the United States concerning opioid-related deceptive sales and marketing practices that are the focus of U.S. enforcement authorities.
All eyes on the CBS board of directors
The role of the board of directors in a best practices compliance program takes on even more importance when senior management engages in recalcitrant conduct. It remains to be seen if the CBS board will step up in a time of crisis.
SEC plans roundtable on proxy access
The Securities and Exchange Commission will host a roundtable later this year to hear from investors, issuers, and other market participants about whether its proxy rules should be refined.
Implementing the FRC’s ‘Guidance on the Strategic Report’
The Financial Reporting Council has published revised guidance addressing strategic reports, aiming to help organizations make such reports more informative and relevant to stakeholders.
Incorporating compliance into long-term corporate strategy
How can a board of directors work to incorporate the compliance function into a long-term business strategy of the organization? Tom Fox has a few ideas.