Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 76

  • Blog

    Panasonic must pay $280M to resolve FCPA charges


    Panasonic Avionics has agreed to pay more than $280 million to resolve civil and criminal charges arising out of a scheme to retain consultants for improper purposes and conceal payments to third-party sales agents.

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    How regional committees can strengthen compliance culture


    Implementing a regional model can more effectively ensure employee and third-party compliance with your code of conduct by integrating compliance into every aspect of a company’s functions and generating the necessary information to continuously improve your program.

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    Sometimes, a fine isn’t enough


    U.S. regulators want companies to take firm disciplinary action against employees who are involved directly—or even indirectly—in the conduct at the heart of violations.

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    EU and Mexico reach new trade agreement


    The European Union and Mexico reached a new agreement on trade, as part of a broader, modernized EU-Mexico Global Agreement. Practically all trade in goods between the EU and Mexico will now be duty-free, including in the agricultural sector.

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    Thomas Hoenig departs FDIC


    April 30 was the last day of service for Thomas Hoenig as vice chairman and a member of the board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Hoenig joined the board in April 2012 and served a full six-year term.

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    Investors show strong response to partner IDs


    Investors react when they know the name of an engagement partner on an audit, research suggests, but the reaction may be stronger than expected.

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    Stop the funeral: Labor Department’s fiduciary rule not dead yet


    Despite successful legal challenges and a thunder-stealing rules package proposed by the SEC, the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule isn’t dead quite yet. At least that is the hope of a last-minute legal maneuver by the AARP and three attorneys general.

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    Clayton promises public outreach for SEC’s fiduciary rule


    SEC Chairman Jay Clayton said his agency will seek public input on a proposed fiduciary rule by supplementing public comments with short forms, multi-city roundtables, and an analysis by the Commission’s Office of the Investor Advocate.

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    SCOTUS: Terror victims can’t sue international companies with U.S. ties


    The Supreme Court issued a ruling in the matter of Jesner v. Arab Bank, holding that Alien Tort Statute does not allow for U.S.-originated lawsuits against foreign corporations with a domestic presence.

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    ACA Compliance Group to acquire Cordium


    ACA Compliance Group recently announced that it will acquire Cordium. The transaction is expected to close this summer, subject to regulatory approvals.

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    Group wants unredacted privacy assessments from Facebook


    A Freedom of Information Act lawsuit is seeking the release of unredacted Facebook privacy assessments from the Federal Trade Commission. The assessments were mandated under the terms of a 2011 consent order.

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    Warren hits CFPB director with 100-question quizzing


    The latest move in the ongoing chess match between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and CFPB Acting Director Mick Mulvaney is the legislator’s demand for answers to more than 100 questions relating to the Bureau’s policies and actions.

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    Treasury report spotlights its regulatory reforms, reductions


    The Treasury Department this week released a new report “detailing its accomplishments in support of the President’s regulatory reform agenda.”

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    GUIDE Act targets CFPB’s rulemaking transparency


    The recently filed Give Useful Information to Define Effective Compliance Act (or, for short, GUIDE Act), seeks to “bring predictability and transparency” to CFPB’s process of promulgating rules and guidance.

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    Global body reboots ethics rules for accountants


    Accountants globally have some revised ethics rules to follow, which should prompt an examination in the United States over whether there are new thresholds to meet.

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    Moving from operationalized compliance to connected compliance


    The Man From FCPA explores how and why companies should move to a system of “connected compliance,” allowing them to take on more risks and more efficiently run the business.

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    Yahoo to pay $35M for failing to disclose massive cyber-security breach


    The SEC on Tuesday announced that Altaba—the company formerly known as Yahoo—has agreed to pay a $35 million penalty to settle charges that it misled investors by failing to disclose one of the largest data breaches in history, in which hackers stole personal data relating to at least 500 million ...

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    Court order blocks delay of fuel efficiency standards penalty rule


    A federal court has blocked the Trump administration’s delay of a rule that updates the penalties assessed to automakers for non-compliance with federal fuel efficiency standards.

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    Implementing and maintaining a successful compliance program


    There are three key areas that can help boards of directors to establish and maintain an effective compliance program—structure, culture, and risk management.

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    The fight against worldwide corruption


    When banks and regulators work together to halt the transfer, hiding, and parking of corrupt funds, the war on corruption takes one more giant step forward.