Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 55

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    IdentityMind Global, CipherTrace partnership provides virtual currency risk assessment


    IdentityMind Global recently announced that IdentityMind’s compliance, risk management, and fraud prevention platform has integrated CipherTrace’s digital currency risk assessment technology. This integrated solution allows virtual currency exchanges, ICOs, hedge funds, financial institutions, and any company that accepts cryptocurrency to understand the risk they present.

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    SNC-Lavalin: Canadian authorities reject plea deal


    Engineering and construction company SNC-Lavalin has been advised by the Director of the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (DPPSC) that, at this time, it will not “invite” the company to negotiate a deferred prosecution agreement.

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    German DPAs begin random GDPR examinations


    The Data Protection Authority of the German state of Lower Saxony recently began random examinations into how well companies are implementing the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations. Compliance officers of U.S. companies with operations in Germany should be on alert.

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    Early adoption fizzles for new hedge accounting rules


    Despite assumptions that companies would flock to simpler accounting, most are holding back in adopting new hedge rules.

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    Shell may be green when it comes to pension fund ESG requirements


    A Shell pensioner is threatening to take his own pension fund to the U.K.’s Pensions Ombudsman for maladministration—unless the company can prove it is managing its climate-related risk.

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    SEC releases new, four-year strategic plan


    The SEC has released a new strategic plan that is intended to guide the agency’s work over the next four years “with a primary focus on investors, innovation, and performance.”

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    Bank regulators respond to Hurricane Michael


    Federal banking regulators have issued an alert for financial institutions affected by Hurricane Michael. The alert covers the storm’s effects on loan modifications, regulatory reporting, and compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act.

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    Internal audit lags business in RPA adoption, poll says


    Business operations may be adopting robotic process automation technology at a faster clip than internal auditors, a new poll suggests.

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    Only three directors across Big 4 boards are independent


    KPMG has appointed an independent member to its U.S. board, only the third such appointment across the entire Big 4.

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    M.S. Howells names chief compliance officer


    M.S. Howells, a full-service broker/dealer and hybrid RIA, servicing hedge fund managers, registered individuals, and independent registered investment advisors, has named Eraine Parker chief compliance officer.

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    SFO set to recover proceeds from Uzbekistan corrupt deals


    The U.K. Serious Fraud Office said it has issued a claim for civil recovery in the High Court under Part 5 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

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    TrustArc now offers APEC privacy certification for data processors


    Data-privacy management company TrustArc has expanded its offerings to include the new Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Privacy Recognition for Processors (PRP) Certification, making it the first company authorized as an Accountability Agent to offer the new certification.

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    ICO takes action for failure to pay new data protection fee


    The U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office has taken formal enforcement action against 34 organizations that have failed to pay the new data protection fee.

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    ICO issues first formal GDPR enforcement action


    Canadian data analytics firm AggregateIQ Data Services has become the first company to face a formal enforcement action by the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office for violations of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the U.K. Data Protection Act.

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    FinCEN advisory warns of Nicaraguan money laundering


    The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has issued an advisory to alert U.S. financial institutions of the increasing risk that proceeds of political corruption from Nicaragua may enter the U.S. financial system.

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    U.S. judge extends term of ZTE monitor: Here’s why


    A U.S. district court judge has extended for two more years the term of ZTE’s court-appointed compliance monitor after the telecommunications company violated a condition of its probation resulting from U.S. sanctions violations.

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    Sanders’ bill would break up big banks


    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has introduced legislation that would “break up the nation’s biggest banks and risky financial institutions in order to safeguard the economy.” Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) will file a companion bill in the House.

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    SEC petition, Senate bill seek rules on ESG disclosures


    Climate change activists are upping the pressure on public companies to disclose the risks they face due to a potential environmental catastrophe. Those efforts include an SEC petition for rulemaking and a new Senate bill.

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    Musk mocks SEC on Twitter


    Within days of reaching a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over what it says was “false and misleading” information delivered to investors via Twitter, Tesla founder Elon Musk is back online and taunting the regulator.

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    CFTC could overhaul cross-border derivatives approach


    CFTC Chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo plans to spearhead new rule proposals to address a range of cross-border issues with swaps regulation.