Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 199

  • Blog

    PCAOB prepares new rule on outside auditors, reviews EQR standard


    The PCAOB has scheduled an open meeting to consider a proposed new requirment around firms relying on others outside the principal firm to assist with audit work. The new proposal would address the lead auditor’s responsibilities with respect to those other auditors from outside the principal audit firm who participate ...

  • Blog

    Yamana Gold discloses fees for ESG assurance


    A gold mining company’s recent disclosure of its cost for obtaining assurance with respect to its use of conflict materials might be the first of its kind, but the lack of standards in this area, coupled with a lack of independent third-party assurance points to a need for higher-quality reports ...

  • Blog

    What depreciation at Intel says about Moore’s Law


    A recent earnings statement by one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers offers what looks like good news at first blush, but in reality might suggest that a bigger, and more negative trend might be underway. At the heart of it: a potential slowdown in Moore’s Law itself, the law ...

  • Blog

    CFTC whistleblower program finally scores big with $10 million award


    Image: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission had been off to a slow start with its Dodd-Frank whistleblower program, having paid out just two awards totaling $530,000 over the entire life of the program. That changed dramatically last week, however, when the CFTC announced a huge award of more than $10 ...

  • Blog

    ‘Routine’ vote to finally approve two SEC commissioner nominees blocked


    Image: The struggle to add two commissioners to the SEC drags on, leaving SEC Chair Mary Jo White (left) and two other SEC commissioners to do the work of what is supposed to be a five-member commission. The most recent development in this saga came yesterday, when a supposedly “routine” ...

  • Blog

    Ruling that rescinded MetLife’s SIFI status made public


    A ruling that rescinded MetLife’s designation as a systemically important financial institution by the Financial Stability Oversight Council has been made public following an agreement to do so by both parties. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer found that the FSOC’s designation process failed to follow both internal guidelines and external ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB delivers searing inspection report to BDO USA


    BDO USA received a scathing 2014 inspection report from the PCAOB. Among the 23 audits the board selected for inspection, 17, or 74%, had issues, a record high rate among major firms. Of the 17 busted audits, 15 contained problems in both the audit of financial statements and the audit ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB reports compliance with communications standard


    Image: The PCAOB said it is “encouraged” that most firms have complied with Auditing Standard No. 16, a standard governing communication with audit committees, as the board found no failures to comply in 93 percent of the audits reviewed in the 2014 inspection cycle. “The communication between an audit firm ...

  • Blog

    Crackdown on tax inversions blamed for killing Pfizer/Allergan merger


    The Treasury Department has issued temporary and proposed regulations intended to limit the use of corporate tax inversions by undermining their benefits. Included are rules to address earnings stripping, a commonly used technique to further minimize taxes. Within hours of their issuance, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer terminated its $150 billion merger ...

  • Blog

    Beyond complying with the Modern Slavery Act


    Companies troubling over how to report due diligence procedures on eliminating human trafficking under the U.K. Modern Slavery Act have been given some help. A new guide from U.K.-based civil society organizations advises companies on how to embed such procedures into their reports. Although the reports are certainly important, says ...

  • Blog

    AmBank Group appoints chief compliance officer


    AMMB Holdings today announced the appointment of Faradina Mohammad Ghouse as igroup chief compliance officer, effecitve as of March 15.

  • Blog

    Braid Group to pay £2.2 million in bribery case


    Scotland’s prosecution service this week announced a £2.2 million civil settlement with Braid Group (Holdings), a Glasgow-based diversified global logistics company to resolve allegations that it obtained business through unlawful conduct. In a statement, Linda Hamilton, head of the Civil Recovery Unit, said that “Braid is to be commended for ...

  • Blog

    FASB offers guidance on hedge accounting complexities


    Image: Hedge accounting can help organizations manage exposures that range from changing interest rates to counterparty credit risk. But the rules that govern hedge accounting are extremely detailed and require close compliance consideration. CW columnist Robert Herz discusses how, with new regulations proposed, things are only going to get more ...

  • Blog

    Criminal Division launches new FCPA pilot program


    Effective today, the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division has launched a one-year “pilot program” in the Fraud Section’s FCPA Unit as part of the agency’s effort to promote both transparency and accountability. At the end of the one-year pilot period, the Fraud Section will determine whether to extend or modify ...

  • Blog

    FCPA enforcement ramps up in Q1 2016


    If it looks like FCPA enforcement is at a low ebb, judging by the amount of activity we saw in 2015, don’t be fooled. The SEC is prosecuting FCPA cases with vigor, and if some of the current enforcement actions underway are any indicator, we will not see a significant ...

  • CreditImpairment

    FASB plans new discussion on credit impairment effective date, guidance


    Image: FASB is reconsidering the planned effective date for the final standard on credit impaiment and is promising clarifications after concerns were raised by community bankers and credit unions over whether the requirements would lead to difficult and costly accounting processes and procedures. FASB Chairman Russ Golden said the board ...

  • Blog

    VimpelCom discloses more details on FCPA damages


    Amsterdam-based VimpelCom, a global telecommunication services provider, said last week in its annual report with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it has set aside $105 million for legal expenses associated with its $795 million settlement reached last month with U.S. and Dutch prosecutors for paying bribes to a government ...

  • Blog

    Hertz Global names acting general legal counsel


    Hertz Global Holdings has named Rick Frecker as acting general legal counsel, following the resignation of Thomas Sabatino, who is joining Aetna as executive vice president and general counsel, law and regulatory. Frecker, who has been with Hertz since 2008, has served as vice president and deputy general counsel for ...

  • Blog

    New York Attorney General Antitrust Bureau chief to join Gibson Dunn


    Eric Stock, chief of the Antitrust Bureau at the New York Attorney General’s Office, will join law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher as a partner in New York, where he will focus on antitrust litigation and investigations, as well as merger review, effective June 1.

  • Blog

    Tokio Millennium names chief risk officer


    Switzerland-based Tokio Millennium, a reinsurance company, has appointed Andreas Kull as chief risk officer and as a member of its executive committee. He will succeed Akira Higuma, who will return as the group leader of global risk management, a unit within the international business development department of Tokio Marine Holdings.